I had a similar hang up watching Hereditary. How did Toni Collette and Gabriel Byrne have this Armenian looking kid?
I had a similar hang up watching Hereditary. How did Toni Collette and Gabriel Byrne have this Armenian looking kid?
i have read somewhere he’s not even a real person and is a character on a tv show. possibly even two tv shows.
I’ve always thought Connor was the most level-headed and aware... when it comes to his family. His problem is that he’s been so completely secluded from wider society that his views on it are hopelessly simplistic, which is why people assume he’s an idiot. But I think he’s consistently the one who has the best…
Connor: Ooooh, donuts.
Though decades-later movie sequels have become frequent and sometimes surprisingly great, comedy follow-ups remain…
(hand touches grass)
I guess it’s a triumph for sexual equality that now not just Adam Sandler and George Clooney can fully expense their buddy trips.
So... How come certain Netflix films, like this and Someone Great, are now being reviewed in the TV section of the site?
There is, and weirdly enough, it’s of John Ratzenberger taking a slow, but loving shit. It’s really quite elegant.
1. Punch Drunk Love
I don’t remember Hard Eight, and I disliked Inherent Vice and The Master, but I can watch Punch Drunk Love once a month and not get tired of it. It’s such a bizarre little film, but I love it so much.
new york city itself is kind of the main character/serial sexual abuser.
See, I was once a drug addict. So, I know about how addiction works. I’ve experienced it. It’s a choice you make to deal with your problems. You know what else is a choice? Quitting.
You don’t know these people. Some people just have trouble losing weight. I have good friends that work out a lot and eat healthy, but the weight is coming off slowly if at all. I, on the other hand, am skinny, but I eat shitty food in great quantities and never exercise. Nobody says shit about my health or…
Yeah, when you put it that way, you still sound like a giant bag of shit.
I just adore all the fat-shaming here. I mean, we all know the fatties are inherently evil, right? And that when someone does something disgusting, their body/appearance totally have everything to do with it.
Y’all sound like a bunch of mean fucking fifth-graders. Hate this dude for being a pervy lech. His body has…