
“if they immigrate they need to integrate, but also we don’t need immigrants from incompatible places,”

Just statutory rape, eh? 51 year old and 13 year old? There are some thing we shouldn’t allow plea deals for. This is one of them.

Wish I could star this a million times.

Pretty shots over all but the headless one is just odd. I get the hands on the belly part but they couldn’t have made it so we at least see part of his face?

In short, Trump’s was smaller than Obama’s.

Uncle Benjamin has completely destroyed his legacy... At least as far as I’m concerned. Apparently all his gifts were in his hands, because...

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

Well, this is very Florida.

At the very least, he is doing this for the photo optics. Because, by now, we all know that he’s the type of person to be like, “I stood next to a back person and didn’t run away. Someone give me a cookie.”

He is doing too much. If I want to please white people I just refill the candy dish at work .

These cut and paste apologies need to be outlawed.