Yeah, I think “attempted murder” should be for stuff like hitting someone over the head - they can die, but most likely won’t. Stabbing someone 20+ times seems more as a failed murder, as you said.
Yeah, I think “attempted murder” should be for stuff like hitting someone over the head - they can die, but most likely won’t. Stabbing someone 20+ times seems more as a failed murder, as you said.
I need a legit flow chart of everything Trump / the Government is doing wrong, updated by the hour.
Does anyone want to turn this into a website with me?
Dangerous offender status legislation is handy in cases where people are violent, dangerous, and lacking in remorse (
I blame the parenting. Who raises a psychopath and doesn’t tell them to not keep a journal?
THIS EXACTLY. I really don’t understand the need to point out “why weren’t you here earlier?!” They’re here now. Welcome them, answer questions they have and fucking strap your boots on because we have work to do.
You see it on the other side too. Like you can’t be Republican and denounce Trump unless you want to called a traitor. You have to be with him for everything or be left out in the cold. (Hello, Romney.) Because of this we ended up with the GOP as it is today. A monster on Capitol Hill.
Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.
I want to be with you on this, I want to say that we should encourage the people who came out to keep doing the same thing, but on the other hand things like these are meant to be challenging. If you go there and you’re triggered by truth in the form of people noting on their signs that 53% of white women voted for…
Just so you know, you can support both at the same time.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
“I also know several people who felt excluded ... and I think it’s because it was about so many things at once.”
What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?
You forgot to add “No Shit Sherlock” to the “Filed to:” list. I mean, who didn’t see this coming?
Really hoping that once he’s out, many laws will be passed to prevent this from happening again.
Never trust someone who uses the phrase “trust me”.
How long before these returns “leak”. Why is this the only documents that arent leaking?
i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.
April 15th is a Saturday this year. I’d love to have protests across the country demanding release.