
Because the previous administration gave him several extensions instead of citizenship.

I chalk it up to the Mormon lifestyle- no drinking and the woman waits on you and raises the children because you are man, so you are King.

“Better than Trump” is a very broad category that includes the entire Fungi and Protist Kingdoms.

How is it that he’s 70 but looks like fucking Jon Hamm?

Oh my god how did switching to Kinja make the AV Club this dumb. Oh my god. You have 11 favorites. What is wrong with the universe.

Honestly, I am so over it. And all the people here - women included - who still perpetuate this bullshit actually frighten me. We have a long, long way to go.

I hope everyone who hopes that the GOP will act to remove Trump if the Mueller investigation reveals damning evidence that he colluded with Russia, and/or conspired to obstruct justice, has been paying attention to this.

In my case the abuse was over more quickly if I just gave in. He didn’t care/ didn’t notice that I was crying during and after.

Here’s something that’s going to blow your mind; when a woman is alone with a man, the threat of physical violence is always present.

“That video said absolutely nothing about what she’ll actually do for the people she now wants to represent” Because she knows nothing about them.

Yeah, and she’s running against the Senator who commissioned this:

Amazing. How many men are this entitled that they’d rather risk violating and traumatizing women because it’s too much work for them to open their mouths and ask a question. 

This piece of crap screws it up for the rest of us. It’s one thing to be pushy, fine, if that’s your style. Some maybe like it, but once you get the no vibes, shut that shit down and be respectable or gtfo. Women are people, too. Not just receptacles for advances. Take your shot, but respect the response and act

So maybe stop being pushy then.

I’m not sure what your issue is with Babe.net. They aren’t a Russian porn site or anything, they are a website that has been up for a few years with an emphasis on girls and young women. Their readership is in the millions. I mean, what are you claiming is more legit? Jezebel? According to the editor, this is what

I am going to assume your comment is earnest and give you the straight answer:

If you’re being sincere, all this displays is your lack of imagination.

I’m not sure what angers me more...that Aziz did this to his date, or that he texted her the next day like a Nice Guy and commented on the great evening he had. How big of a tool must he be?

:a group of men breathlessly exit a conference room, ties disheveled, sweat on their brow, waving a piece of paper:

Men have already been thinking that for hundreds of years, so what’s her point.