
I hate now so much. Now is the worst time.

I can’t find another source for the shotgun comment. I thought it was a cross-draw maneuver with a colt 45?

My husband as a prank used to use my Youtube account to subcribe to this Michael Blakey’s YT channel, he’s the absolute worst. I hope “producer Michael” takes a long walk off a short pier, along with that whole generation of douchey rich guys using women as props, or to bolster their public image of success”.

that’s true. us too. i think i just went blind with rage. but i wouldn’t put it past this guy to try to propose some kindhoney trap” with cameras around the “gay books.

my god. if you want me to watch videos or read articles on your website, you need to do something about the ads that suddenly eat up half of the screen without warning. i watched 60 seconds of the first video before coming to make this damn comment because i had it pop up THREE TIMES! In 60 seconds! While trying to

i would say “hope they have an ethical librarian at that school” but hell, they probably don’t have a librarian to fight against this horrific nightmare of a man. I hate him so much.

he’s an entrepreneur, which makes me think he’s some asshole libertarian, BUT, he says he doesn’t like to talk politics on a date, which make me think he may not be a libertarian......

anyway, as a librarian, stay away from my library, Peter.

I’m in a mom group on FB of 50 moms of kids born in early 2017 and in the last 4 months, 7 couples have separated or started the divorce process. I thought that it may be a trend beyond our little clique, so sad that it’s a real thing, but also, take care of yourself, ladies, and dump that man if you need to.

or perhaps: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-dogs-trained-sniff-smuggled-artifacts

I thought water ice was a Pennsylvania thing?

Re: Japanese Breakfast

Beer selections that I love in the summer:

yes. natural fibers for summer, please.

I think it another factor is that women are more willing to face the logistical nightmare of getting a vaccine appointment in many states. I know my husband would probably have thrown up his hands at the state vaccine “appointment marketplace.” I was the one to keep up to date on when he was eligible, sign up for the

yo, you have no idea about Disneyland fans, though. They don’t give a shit about WDW. Disneyland is life for Disneyland people. I grew up in Florida, I’ve been to WDW hundreds of times. I was not prepared for the absolutely rabid fandom of Disneyland people when I went for the first time.

Now, my husband and kid and I are all vegan, my kid has been vegan since birth, my husband has been vegan for 19 years, me, 13 years. It’s very much a ~part of who we are~ but like, even to me ..... whoa, these people take diet as identity to another level. I can’t imagine only eating one type of food. I can’t imagine

while i do think the outrage of “why is sexy rabbit not sexy anymore?????” is ridiculous, i know so many girls whose first crushes were simba or robin hood. super common thing for kids.....

i don’t know if we would see outrage from women if they re-designed simba/robin hood though... men are kinda weird.

Yeah, man, idk, I was a big fan of Reply All, and I was a huge fan of the BA Test Kitchen videos, too. It’s such a bummer finding out all these “cool” things were so toxic behind the scenes, and that the folks making it were either suffering from or inflicting a toxic workplace.

I’m so angry at PJ, specifically. To be

it seems so much like NXIVM! the weird obsession with masculinity is just like the society of protectors. i hate that i know their factions, i blame that HBO doc.

an insult to rats. rats have no hand in the sinking of a sinking rat ship.