
i think he’s still in “paradise mode”

unhinged recognizes unhinged.

I feel like we can all learn from her extra-ness (Her Extraness?). I guess I always thought of her just as a good French-Canadian singer. But i’m rethinking it. I think her whimsicality is something we can all aspire to. This definitely has me thinking about how to fold more into my life.

I live in a small town, where we have a small park, where a small-ish crowd gathers to watch movies in the summer while the college kids are away. It is delightful.

I still remember reading that bit for the first time! i definitely held my breath again when i saw the sign for the print shop!

It’s on STARZ. that is the face of revenge, right there.

Season two episodes 8-13 are in Scotland.

like NBC’s First Dates? or the Canadian version?

they didn’t have enough time to take her out and assemble her before her next appearance (orchestrated date?) so they had to transport her in her protective case to the destination and assemble her there.

The highest rated is University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. I went to University of Arizona, I had a good experience. I know people who had a great time at Indiana University in Bloomington. Most people that I know who had good experiences were in face to face programs. More hands on, service learning projects,

It may be that the librarian didn’t read them.

I dunno, maybe just saw the review and thought it sounded cool. Or she read it and loved it. If you’re interested here is the Library Journal review from 1980. Not too sexy, but sounds like a good book for teenage girls. Citation:

Never ironically. Our trade journals have review sections devoted to romance novels. Librarians know whats up.

Mike Pence, none the richer?

I’m glad she’ll continue making fun of McMansions. I wish I could submit photos of my parent’s monstrosity in Scottsdale that languished on the market for months despite the neat-o drone photos.

i hope so. he’s adorable.

She got rid of so many guys this week. I was shocked. Slash and burn.

I’m a new mom, daughter is 5 months old. When I first saw this commercial, I thought “oh wow, this is who I am to the world now” and felt really gross. As far as our culture is concerned, I am MOM now, my identity revolves around how I rear my child. :(

sounds like the direction that our culture seems to be going in.

TJ Miller has become Erlich Bachman, except with success. which is even worse.