
LOL... I argue with my wife about this all of the time!!

@balls187: Couldn't agree more; don't lie; don't come up with mental tricks. If asked, just tell the truth. That said, there are lots of resources out there to know how much you are worth; use them.

Wait... this should should've been titled "no electricity from a skylight"

Avoid; fit is everything in a suit. I started to wear tailor made and there's no way I can go back. Then again, I am lucky to be in India; the stitching sets me back USD 50, tops. I go to Raymonds; excellent workmanship.

@Tin Canman: Ziplock bags work great for all those small things (memory readers, pen drives, Ipod cables, etc.).

In extreme cases I've folded a suit's jacket inside out. Hanged it immediately upon arriving; next morning it was wrinkle free and ready to wear.

I was just asked this question. Here is the thing, the interview process is all about building trust. The moment you are caught displaying a poor disposition, exaggerating, let alone, lying it's bye-bye. In this market I'd rather not take chances.

I must ask... why?

@heath: ditto here

Wow... looks awful.

@nerotic: Oh wow... siestas; I'm in between jobs and spending a lot of time at home working my way out of being "in transition". Anyhow, I began to take one hour naps right after lunch and oh boy: what a difference does it make. It's like completely rebooting; I cannot recommend it enough. It's going to be tough to

Wow... so simple, so much needed, very creative.

Table looks awfully flimsy.

Not bad; that's roughly 75% of the use Photoshop gets at home.

@wqwert: I don't; I seriously don't get it.

Mmmhh... this would have come useful about a year ago. We used a Google Docs spreadsheet to staff some 20 consultants; kind of clunky but served the purpose.

I have a landline; only as a "just in case". We have kids and they use it to call us.

What's up with the chair-cum-workout-bench?

@xizdaqrian: Same thoughts... proves that pirates are also liers: "Señor...usted usa software pirata?"..."no, señor".