About That

You’ve got such a hard on for Cardinals-bashing it’s just sad. Disclaimer, born and raised in Miami, I couldn’t give a f*** about the Cardinals. But I’m tired of seeing every single story you write turn into a self-ejaculating passive-aggressive flagelation of how the Cardinals are really the evil ones hiding petty

Jesus tapdancing Christ, Deadspin; the guy was asked a question and he answered it with effusive praise for Heyward, whom I daresay he knows a bit better than you or I do, and provided a charitable theory for why Heyward would prefer the Cubs (other than the real reason which was “Star Wars money in 2018”), and you

Honestly, I enjoy the hell out of it. Better reviled winners than lovable losers.

Many of us have embraced it.

Maddon acts like he’s never had a pitcher throw at a guy. He’s a little too self-righteous for my liking.

Maddon is full of 100% Certifed Angus bullshit. His guy hit Holliday square in the ear with a fastball, and then his team got the benefit of bench warnings (foreclosing any consequence-free brushbacks of any kind). Then Rizzo, who gets hit more than anybody else because he stands on top of the fucking plate in every