A. Koster

This is what we call "why people should really just stay away from the nude lip." It's the exact tone and level of sheen as the rest of her face. No.

Wanna hear my rich person impression? "Tut tut tut, I shan't give a dime to this homeless person, for she will undoubtedly spend it on booze. Butler, be a dear and fill my bathtub with red wine."

I'm surprised at how many people are accepting Hale's account as totally accurate and assuming that Blythe Harris must be terrible. Yes, let's all take the stalker at her word and not consider the possibility that her account may be exaggerated. There's no way there could be another side to this story.

And we're still supposed to believe that rich people earned their money by being smarter and better than we prols?

Seriously. The act it self is terrifying - pseudo-bragging about it is sociopathic.

Hmmm. I've actually read the book in question and I wouldn't say there is "no rape" in it. A character who is a minor has an affair with a much older man, and since the age of consent is 18 in Wisconsin (where the book takes place) there are in fact mentions of statutory rape in the book (which is real rape, and

"You're fat," I shouted. And then I poured the entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide on her head.

My first child wouldn't latch and I was post-op Emergency C-section and they had me pumping or trying to feed every hour. I ended up with 36 hours no sleep turning into ppd. My OB stepped in and told me to give up and got me into a psychiatrist who specializes in partum disorders. Second child wouldn't latch and when

They wouldn't care because they think women who die like that deserve it.

How would they like an image of a dead, bloodied woman and a twisted coathanger on the floor next to that one, with the phrase, "When abortion was not safe, legal and accessible, women died. Save women's lives - protect choice."

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:

I don't think he thinks he's fooling anyone. I think he's preying on homeless women who are so desperate for shelter that they'll risk getting in bed with this creep. (Like: one night with this dude is better than another night with her abusive husband or freezing to death under a bridge or whatever.) What a horrible

I really hope that was written in your sarcasm font...

If her sister is THAT sick, she wouldn't have waited that long to be seen. And if she wasn't that sick, then she doesn't NEED to get seen that fast. There's no excuse for this at all.

This is weird. I see everyone's point about this being useful for folks with low mobility, but I thought the whole point of funerals/viewings/wakes was for the remaining family to be together to remember the person and support each other. This is like a series of private viewings with no actual social rite.

People with serious disabilites and physical condition/general frailness preventing them from moving about easy aside, if you don't care enough about a person to park and get out of your damn car, you probably didn't care enough about them when they were alive.


Here's a few lady secrets for ya: