Ol' Gil Gunderson

Just FYI to anyone who doesn’t want to give it clicks - that last link about the white supremacy group goes to a really vile white supremacist blog.

I was hoping for balloons.

Kid: “You can have my Coke”

Über, but for basketball.

It’s only “out of bounds as fuck” if you accept the clearly broken and untenable NBA rule book. That’s the problem with basketball these days; everybody is trying to protect what they have and aren’t willing to embrace creative solutions to old problems.

Perhaps the NFL will consider a Talib-ban


Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

Excellent question! CarWine may burn your optic nerve because the river water quality down by the docks isn’t great, and motor oil is “bad for you,” but it sure does give me a buzz!

“Boxing out is for pussies.” - the Milwaukee Bucks

That’s just like, your opinion, man.

Good Kinja.

Looks like 1psi, maybe 1.5?

The traction control switch should just be labeled Unsubscribe Me From Future Ferrari Models.

“The truth is that brand loyalty goes a long way.”

No, you don’t get it. They’re honoring your browser history.

Damn it. The Washington Milfsdoporn was my suggestion for the new team name.

Whenever he goes on about the things he’s going to do as president it sounds like he’s running for student council.

“Born with it” is the most accidentally apt descriptor Trump could have chosen to describe why he is a successful dealmaker and Ben Carson is not. The unconscious mind is a beautiful thing.