Ol' Gil Gunderson

Fast car slow, fast.

+1, you motorized dope.

If you just carry extra talcum and some food coloring, you can press the talcum into a fairly convincing jerky substitute; I honestly doubt your date will be able to tell the difference.

Uh, Schopenhauer’s Cat, or whatever?

I agree that this will probably still get tossed, but I think you’re mischaracterizing dismissal with leave to amend, though. Twiqbal’s fucked up plausibility standard makes leave to amend totally crucial to the process, especially if you’re trying to assert a novel but nonfrivolous claim.

That would be a thrilling billing!

Who will Snopes the Snopesmen?



Ah, Mancini. The mascot’s best friend.

They’re real and they’re spectacular

This argument seems pretty popular lately, and I do not understand it. When were ‘race relations’ good in this country?

What? Is your argument, “I’m unhappy with the quality of video games currently, so efforts to include women in the industry must be a ploy to distract me from that”? It sounds like you a) take video games way too seriously, and b) have bad ideas about women.

I recall it being a good strategy to dispose of bowl-resin

Knife Hits, starring Dro Magary

Obviously this is a horrible situation, but I don’t know if Title IX actually prohibits it. I’m sure Alexandra Brodsky et al. know more about the legal landscape here, but it looks to me like 42 U.S.C. § 1681(a)(3) explicitly allows BYU’s conduct. Title IX (and other civil rights legislation) are imperfect, and we

Oh man, nailed it!

“Look at me. Look at me! I am the Avatar now.”

Good kinja