dolfa itlerh

yeah Hadrian has a reputation for being a pos, I’ve only been there like twice and I heard about him as a patron. it doesn’t matter. watching a guys like him lie, so convinced he’ll be believed and the people he’s fucked over will be ignored, what a bunch of cunts. fuck those pieces of shit.

racism always wears a mask, so you don’t always get a benefit of doubt, if you happen to support a slew of racist policies. a racist will never self identify, and people that are racially biased have a blind spot for racism by definition, her saying racism doesn’t exist, makes her sound like a racist. qualifying

so it’s like calling Bo Bice “white boy”, because the education system has failed and people don’t understand context. which is exactly why I refuse to call myself feminist, because men represent themselves so poorly on the internet that I assume gender whenever I see something asinine.