As a guy who grew up on Big 8 football, this sounds good to me.
As a guy who grew up on Big 8 football, this sounds good to me.
So we’re just not going to mention Enceladus? We’re talking a moon with motherfucking ice geysers shooting off into space and adding to Saturn’s rings. That’s worth something.
You can put anything to the right of the > in this formulation and not be wrong.
You shut your goddamned mouth. The whole point of watching storm coverage is to laugh at the poor schmuck getting battered by the wind.
So kinda like the last two seasons?
My brother went to Chile as a high school exchange student, and has been obnoxiously riding that bandwagon for the last few years. And as much as I would love to enjoy his disappointment if Chile doesn’t make it, I’m hoping they find some way, because they are a fun team right now.
I just did a google search for flights from various South American cities to Georgetown, Guyana, and in most cases, you have to fly through Panama City or Port of Spain. This is probably because there are more economic and cultural ties between Guyana and Suriname and the Caribbean than South America. So between…
Every fucking year I get to the first mention of that fucking T-Pain song, and, having forgotten that it was a thing, google it, only to have it bounce around in my fucking head for the rest of the afternoon. Goddamnit.
Recent transplants talk shit about Denver all the time, and it’s because they don’t realize that Denver has never been a cool place to live. Kansas City has better restaurants and shopping than we do. The most famous restaurant in town is a shitty Mexican theme park with cliff divers. The most famous people in town…
What, you think there’s a better way to get on Trump’s appointment radar than posting stupid racist shit on social media?
From what I have read, in the early 90s, it was looking like UT and A&M were looking for new homes, most likely with UT and Colorado joining the Pac 10, and A&M joining the SEC. Powerful Texas legislators who happened to be graduates of Baylor and Tech got together, and threatened to withhold certain funding from UT…
At least the Ponzi scheme article was original and thought provoking. This is just more of Billy yelling “MLS Sux” at high volume and yucking it up when we all dutifully click and comment.
Wait- I thought the general historian’s take was that Grant was a military genius but a below-average President?
I have often wondered the same thing, which makes this article helpful:
1989 Oakland A’s, unless a joke is flying over my head.
Useful information that you wish you knew as a kid: there’s actually a glitch in the Raiders offensive scheme that, when properly exploited, renders them nearly unable to move the ball. (Line up in pass 1, play as the top outside linebacker. You will be unblocked, so you can stuff both run plays easily, and the rest…
The general rule is that you don’t want to cook with IPA, for the reasons you discovered. Even if I see it specifically mentioned in a recipe, I’m skeptical unless the recipe is from someone who really knows beer well. If you want to fool around and see if you can tell the difference, I might try some darker lagers or…
Dad to dad tip- check out if your zoo serves beer. I’m there almost every Saturday in the fall with my amazing, wonderful, demon of a two year old, because she has fun, I can grab a beer out of the house and in the sun, and if she happens to have a screaming fit because I won’t let her play with the water fountain, I…
Also curious, but not curious enough to pay a few bucks to check it out on PACER.