
Came down here to give him props for that myself.

I have some epazote going in my garden right now. It’ll transform stacked enchiladas from “not bad when you’re too lazy to cook” to “holy shit I would be happy if that came out of a restaurant kitchen”. Plus you can forget to water it for a week and it’s still happy as hell.

I once had a roommate who thought that all of the spices in a recipe were optional garnishes- nice if you had them, but not necessary to the finished product.

I like this one, but it still leaves me completely confused about whether or not I am a millennial.

You forgot the bit where the referee has to act like a condescending asshole, but as a fan you have to act like he’s the greatest thing ever.

It was kind of surreal driving to work today and hearing not just sports talk hosts but actual morning drive DJs discussing the Rockies’ shitty weekend. Feels like an actual baseball city for the first time in eight years or so.  

I’m 36, and I love day drinking. Much more than night drinking, as a matter of fact- it’s the post-7:30 drinks that get me the next day. The wife and I actually prefer a good day drinking session over a date night- no crowds, you can usually chat up lonely bar tenders and get a few drinks comped, and if you manage to

Suddenly wondering if there is any way I can possibly ditch work on Thursday and not get in dutch with the wife...

Riding on the sidewalk, in some places, is actually a pretty good way to eat a bumper. Picture yourself as a driver making a left turn. You check the oncoming traffic lane to see that it is clear, glance over to the corner for pedestrians, then check the oncoming lane once more, and go. Out of nowhere, there’s a


You vastly underestimate the diversity and weirdness of humanity. That person is definitely out there. And (mostly in response to the post you were responding to) who am I to tell him that he’s wrong or stupid? We all get to set our own standards, and we all get to decide what’s a major obstacle. If I think someone is

I’ve done I-80 through Nebraska and I-70 from Denver through Kansas, and I gotta tell you, it’s no contest. I-80 has trees, a few bends in the road, the Grand Isle bridge, largeish towns, restaurants full of mounted animals, and Runza, if you are feeling brave. I-70? Straight, no trees, nothing but small towns with a

I-70 from I-15 through I-25? Absolutely. But once you get outside of Denver headed East, I hope you downloaded a good book on tape, because unless you really love long, straight, flat, treeless, and the occasional animal freak show, you are going to struggle for the next seven hours.   

Pfft, Colorado voted “No” on an Olympic bond issue before it was cool, but you LA people are going to be talking like you invented the concept...

Related Raiders question: There has been talk that the Raiders might have to move out of Oakland before the Vegas stadium is built, and one of the suggested one-year landing spots is San Diego. Suppose the Raiders do move to Qualcomm for one season, and manage to win the Super Bowl that season. Does that break the San

What’s wrong with the Padres? It’s unique, it’s tied to the city, it doesn’t sound like a focus group came up with it, plus it gives us the swinging friar.

Every fucking time ABC runs out its latest attempt at an edgy young adult comedy, I have to ask why they didn’t just give Happy Endings and Don’t Trust the B a decent shot. 

Pet peve: what’s with the formatting of your case heading? Did your attorney write that thing on a typewriter? I suppose it beats a bunch of )‘s up and down the page, but if the 70 year old senior partner at my tiny firm can figure out how to create a case heading templae using actuall lines, you can too.

For Denverites of a certain age, it’s almost a perfect paralell to Old Style. One taste of Fat Tire and I’m back at a party in a field in 1997, drinking out of a keg that someone got their older brother to buy for them. It may not be the best beer on the market today, but at one time, it was the coolest beer anyone

This can be a good move, under the right circumstances. I accompanied my wife to a Katy Perry show at the Pepsi Center here in Denver (what? she puts on a good show), and they wisely converted about a third of the men’s bathrooms into women’s bathrooms, to accommodate an overwhelmingly female audience. In that case,