
I have two! The first one is crazy because I am *not* a UFO believer, but one night, walking in Los Angeles, of all of the light polluted places, my husband and I both saw these odd red lights in the sky. At first I thought they were helicopters, maybe firefighter helicopters, with the red tinted lights and all, but

This is amazingly horrible. I had a screenwriting teacher in film school who would pass around unsharable or nearly unsharable food for us all to partake in. An apple. A half sandwich. A packet of something like gummy bears but with only enough for 1/4 the class. My fave was a wedge of cheese because he chipperly said

Maybe a kitten instead? As others have posted, bunnies can be tricky, especially for young kids, but cats are such great low maintenance pets! And if you get them as kittens they’re generally quite snuggly as adult cats, in my experience. Since he’s so young you’ll probably have to clean the litter box for a while,

I am so sorry for your loss. Akitas terrify me. My friend owned one in Jr high and it bit her dad very badly (dad was climbing over their fence and Akita thought it was and intruder momentarily.). Also, recently at a dog beach this asshole had a literal pack of Akitas (like 4), all off leash, and one of them attacked

God, I hate those “it’s fine, he’s friendly” people. My dog is actually pretty friendly and chill meeting other dogs *on leash.* He likes it generally! You know what he’s not cool with? Some maniac, off leash dog sprinting up on him out of nowhere and getting all up in his face!

I’m so sorry. My husband’s mother has BPD and once threatened to kill all four of her children by driving the car off a bridge. If my father in law hadn't gotten home and taken the keys I think she may have done it. Be careful and take care. Hugs to you.

I had much better scores/grades than this girl and I still didn’t get into one of the schools I wanted to go to. *shrugs* I mean it happens! It happens a lot! It would never have ever occurred to me to be angry at or jealous of other people who got in, I just assumed my application wasn’t good enough compared to the

Yes! Cersei is NOT smart! She only sees vengeance, not the larger picture. She’s the one that initially brought the High Sparrow to power and failed to see the threat there!

I’m such a sucker for a tragic hero, so I can’t stop thinking about Jamie Lannister. He could have been the perfect heir - an amazing fighter, effortlessly handsome and smart - but his fatal flaw was his all consuming love for Cersei, who is, and who has always been, a monster. (A delightfully entertaining monster,

Thank you so much for your insight. I’ve told her what you would’ve wanted to hear many times but unfortunately it falls on deaf ears. She just doesn’t believe that I love her and she absolutely refuses therapy. If she were seeking help I would stick with her as long as necessary, but since she refuses, I feel like

Thanks so much for your response. I’d say that it’s certainly not adding anything, if anything, it’s just a source of stress and sadness. And I know she won’t seek help, if I’m being honest, because I’ve asked her to for years and years. I’m just having a hard time accepting what, you’ve correctly determined, I

Have any of you ever dealt with a friend with borderline personality disorder? I’ve been friends with a woman we’ll call Jane for about 15 years. She has always struggled with depression and anger she can’t control, and has always refused therapy, but for the last couple of years it’s been really bad. She was in a

Thank you. Remembering that fact was the only thing that let me fall asleep last night. Never thought I'd be so grateful fly the electoral college!