Oleksiy Popkov

- The episode was both produced and aired as the 9th
- … that's good right?
- But will be followed by the intended 4th episode
- …

Dude, she almost shot a woman and her child just to get them out of her car!

Yeah, it's still stupid.

How about the fact that it is the ACTUAL Episode 9.
But yeah, everytime anyone mentioned the wall with this consti—i mean worried look on their face, I practically screamed at them "What the f*k is it? Just SAY IT ALREADY FFS!!"
I always welcome more bot-on-bot fights, and the way Kennex beat Danica is both brilliant

Not to mention that the first red flag went up when Danica (I really like that name for some reason) didn't outright kill the bastard. Although, there was this kid Danica didn't kill because she called her "very pretty"…