Armin Tamzarian

Indianapolis is also home to SEVERAL fraternity and sorority national HQs, meaning that city is home to many professional frat guys

As a Lions fan, I’d argue that our peak was finally winning a game after then 0-16 season against Washington. I celebrated like we won the damn Super Bowl that day.

Cool Dom, thanks for kicking me in the balls first thing on a Monday morning.

The only way this could be more Chicago is if you ended up blacked out at the Hangge Uppe later that night.

Who are we? The Wildcats! Who are we going to beat? The Wildcats!

Interesting observation, spot on! Any time I see someone with a Priest shirt it’s a died in the wool metal fan. They don’t have that trendy brand.

The bear wreaking havoc is Friendly the Bear, who is DCFC’s mascot. It’s been a meme of the Northern Guard Supporters (by far the largest and most vocal SG of this club) to have him shooting lasers out of his eyes, etc.

Sam, we might just all be random internet turds, but we’re here for you brother.

Here’s the thing, I don’t think this guy is all that old! My guess is he’s a West Virginia 39 years old.

The 2000 Presidential Election 

Josh Hamilton not winning the 2008 HR derby

it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something

Credit where credit is due, shopping at Radio Shack is more depressing than anything Charles wrote about.

Jesus Christ, Charles. These submissions are supposed to be depressing in a funny way, not straight up depressing.

maybe it’s because I’m a fellow Lions fan, but this is the best Kinja post I’ve ever read. 

WYTS Detroit Lions addition is the only thing I enjoy about being a Lions fan all year.

Can confirm, I once saw a guy ass naked just strokin’ on the corner of Oakdale and Broadway, in the middle of the damn day. People just crossed the street and did nothing.

and the fact that comments reasonably calling out the bad take were deleted by editorial staff made this post even worse.

hell, I’m getting 2% in my savings account and I’m just a thousandaire. 

I’m still getting my head around the fact that this saga has been the lead story in local media for a week, and the fact that 41 people were shot over the weekend is the afterthought.