Oleever Quinn

Ehh. Good point.

Oh Tracy… I love you.

Are we supposed to think that Rock's monologue was funny or insightful? Because it wasn't.


It's amazing. Check it out

Charleze Theron is in the back row lighting a joint right now.

This is a trainwreck….

Getting the race bits out of the way first?

"Who better to represent the needs of these people than their fellow liberals?"
-Mark Ruffalo, 2016

Meet the Fockers

I thought Inside Out was super overrated. The central concept seemed way to thin for a feature length film. Anomalisa fucked with me in ways that no other film did this year so it gets my vote (haven't seen Shaun yet, but I love aardman and their Pirates! movie is one of my favorite animated comedies of all time.)

I'll give you revolutionary cinematography. Not so much the first part.

I'm sorry, I want to be respectful of different opinions and all… but Room was a much better directed film than The Martian. In fact, I would put Abrahamson along with Miller, Tarantino, and Villeneuve (from Sicario) as one of the best directors of the year.

I would love to see Kristen Wiig win for her incredible performance as "dumb lady". In all seriousness, her character was so absurd and borderline distasteful, I found it to be the funniest part of the movie.

I was about to post a pro-interstellar anti-Martian rant, but then I found you beautiful people.

Who would you replace with Scott? I really love all of the directing nominees this year (despite being a terrible movie, The Revenant deserved a best director nomination).

I see what you're saying. For example, Sinister scared me more than almost any horror movie, but I would still rather watch the Witch again, and I found myself thinking about the Witch much more.

Okay, the movie wasn't terrifying all the way through, but that scene in the shed towards the end is pure nightmare fuel.

The beginning is really quite bad, as they seemed unaware as to what they wanted the tone of the show to be. Around halfway through the first season they settle on the serial dramedy format, and it quickly becomes on of the best shows out there.

Get outta here Steve Jobs