Oleever Quinn

The sad thing about this movie, is that there was a promising film under the sloppy mess they actually created. The cast was great, and I wish I could have seen them play the roles in a better movie.

The one with the demon hunter?

NBC likes Hannibal as much as Bill Cosby likes its comedy.

-Here commenters, take this gun and use it to shoot those guys at NBC.
-Right. If they try to cancel Hannibal.

But Atlanta already sunk under the weight of its own delta hub

I'm done arguing about this with you, but I will throw in that you should leave the funny spellings of the word cool and the little internet abbreviations out of future arguments. They make you seem like a complete ass.

I didn't say they have the right to lecture. I said Simon had the right to offer his take on the matter, which is that people should not be rioting.

Ahh excuse me, I meant "valid criticism," which you certainly did't offer.

Okay, now you're just embarrassing yourself. You didn't criticize Simon you just said he was white and therefore his statements were invalid.

Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you. Feel free to continue to tell others that they have no place participating in intelligent debate.

Suit yourself. You still have yet to say anything against Simon's point that doesn't involve his skin color so I find your argument uninteresting. But whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

I didn't say it was working, but the intention of using phrases like "What you are saying is part of the problem" and "A white guy doesn't have the right to comment on this" is to shut down the argument without having to do any intelligent reasoning. You used David Simon's race to argue his points without any actual

I love it when people purposefully misunderstand an argument and then write it off as "part of the problem."


Troooolllll. In the Dungeon!!!

The Internet: Viral Outrage Strikes again.

I was super careful and no one died, which honestly looking back makes it all feel less emotional for me. The Virmire quest in ME1 however, horrified me, as well as the Tuchanka quest in ME3. Actually, on that point, both the genophage and Geth/quarian quests from ME3 are probably my favorite in the entire series. ME3

So I'm late to the party but I just wanna mention two of my favorite moments in KOTOR: The Shakespearean Wookie family dispute on Kashyyyk and the infiltration of the Sith academy on Korriban. Truly one of the best game I've ever played.

Cbus is fine, but don't pack your bags and come over. we really don't have anything to offer.

Not sure if you dislike OSU cause sports (in which I don't care) but I do need to defend it as a Columbus bred commenter.