Oleever Quinn

Yeah I thought Carol was Jessica's bff in the comic. But I guess she's needed for the movie.

Dear god yes. I didn't care what gender the doctor is, but now it HAS to be Tilda Swinton.

And all those falsified reports of ghosts are ruining the lives of innocent men!


*sigh* Miles Teller

With blackjack! And hookers! You know what, forget the Crowded House quiet reflection thread.

Same with me, I started it recently and am almost caught up.

There's a J-Lo inside of me, and she's dying to get out.

I'm gonna offend everyone and say that Ghostbusters is the only movie I have fallen asleep during… and it happened twice. So I probably won't be seeing the clearly lesser reboot.

Ugh, this movie is gonna drive me crazy. I wanna see big stretchy miles teller sooo bad, but it just looks…. awful.

How special it is to show two, or dare I even say it, three different traits. Let's make a book about it.

I got to see John Lewis speak about the march a few months ago, and all I can say is that he is the most inspiring and incredible man. It was a life changing experience.

I'm pretty out of touch, but what's a "massage candle"?

Have you heard of that one restaurant chain where the servers are encouraged to treat you like shit? "Dick's Last Resort" I think is the name. I was eating outside at a place right next to one, and I was so fucking confused as to why the waiters were throwing napkins at people. It was mortifying.


So I'm a little late to the party, and haven't seen it yet, but why do we hate the Imitation Game?

Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life, The Gang sets sweet dee on fire, Frank's intervention.

To Meryl Streep?

It's the Lego Movie's fault for being so racist. JeSuisDragon

What happened with American Sniper getting tons of nominations?