Old Willie Boy

WTF happened at Foot 687?

If crows are good for being smart, you might as well say Dick Cheney is a good human.

That’s why I said “redeemed” Karstarks. Robb had justice on his side, and the Karstarks share blood with the Starks, so they won’t be anti- forever.

Agree. The North takes care of its own shit. And since the Manderly’s aren’t around, it’s gotta be Umbers (or maybe a redeemed Karstark).

Do rabid dogs eat faster than non-rabid dogs? Or maybe they just eat more messily?...

Almost everything you said is completely true—except the party being a plague on humanity doesn’t necessarily preclude Kasich from being a decent grown-up.

“...solid defensive player”

“...are ponytails a thing?”

There was no mention of “culture “ or “acceptance.”

I'm 95% sure the M's have literally never had a top-5 payroll.

This is troubling to say the least... How had I never laid eyes on Molly Qerim before??

He’s written one of these for each of the apricot shit-for-brains’ who’s dropped off on the pathetic Republican side.

Meh. That's how Shawn Marion shot it. Also tough to get full extension with a tucked-in dress shirt.

Dude’s not even on the field, but I guess embellishing is just such a reflex for these fellas.

“The one thing pretty much everybody but his voters seems to agree on today is that Trump’s clear and unambiguous Super Tuesday victory... is, or certifies, some Big Frightening New Thing.”

To be fair, it’s easy to get confused when the article erroneously states “sentencing guidelines, which mandate...” Contradictory language there.

In States with Medical Marijuana, Painkiller Deaths Drop by 25%.

“Pending an improbable successful appeal, everything he had worked for was now gone, likely never to be recovered, ever again. Recovery, if there is any, appears to be something deserved only by the victims of a man whose belief in his innocence will apparently be, like the way he once pursued his dream of playing in

The elbow grazed him at best (though kudos on the fine flop). This, plus your amazement over Joe Johnson “obliterating” that big guy’s ankles (he stepped on his foot)... I’m thinking you might be due for an eye exam, brother.

I appreciate you bravely voicing your opinion, even knowing it might not be a popular one.