I am having a hard time feeling bad about this.
I am having a hard time feeling bad about this.
OMG. Wait a moment. You mean people whining about stuff on the Internet actually had the desired positive outcome?
Honestly, if they'd had more time (and/or budget) to generate more game content it might have been a really great game. I certainly didn't have any issues with the characters and dialogue, those were both fantastic.
Denying it doesn't mean squat. They'd be happy to deny it Monday and do a worldwide launch the same week Tuesday.
I liked them both before they got popular. Now with the save bug in Skyward fixed and a couple Skyrim patches there's just no integrity left, man.
Those are pretty nice, but you haven't really cosplayed as Miranda till you've cosplayed as Miranda's ass shoved front and center in your camera frame - since that's how she shows up in 33% of the game.
Best Buy are incompetent fQ#4s. They would happily take all your Feb 1 pre-orders then send out a passively apologetic email on Jan 31 saying they can't deliver it but implying it's not their fault.
I love the list of user names on the left. I'd ban almost all those people just for jackass tags, but I realize they can't do that with Call of Duty or there would be nobody left. But really, is 'MSG ME FOR HEAD' in a ban queue, banned for tag, or one of the mods?
I've seen more cogent arguments for this (on his side) in comment threads. But if you're a lawyer you can charge $450/hr for it, so your opinion means a lot more!
'BioWare has made me hate myself.' Noooooooo, they gave you the option to dive into self-loathing and you took it. Totally self inflicted.
This is the only reason Sony dropped their support: [www.geek.com]
100% narcissism. This guy is your 1980s college movie jock stereotype embodied to a godlike degree. He can't possibly be sorry for anything other than what's happened to him, because he's a total sociopath. Should have been an MBA.
The chat on ToR has been much better than WoW chat. Not sure that'll survive launch though.
'Yep, best decision I've ever made!'
My Smuggler's Rule #1 is Credits, Credits, Credits.
And where's the poison...?
I am TOTALLY READY and AMPED to ignore this new Tony Hawk game! ARRRRRRR! Bro!
With so many great games stacked up (can't possibly get to them all) and already out, why would you pay for this disaster? Miquo'te ass?
Oh again with the stupid loss of jobs thing. That's always the last ditch excuse for a bad product. When the telemarketing companies were arguing that you shouldn't be able to opt out of being relentlessly called at all hours one of their big excuses was 'oh boo hoo think of all the lost telemarketing jobs.' I'd be…