
Meh (and I know 'meh' is cheap, but it was MADE for this). Gamepro was always a horrible magazine, and even in middle school I realized that. Sure, you had the occasional article that rose above the the fecal plain, but it was mostly just dumbass pandering. There's no loss here except for your retarded inner manchild.

Now playing

This is the standard by which all Wizardcore must be judged.

No, really I don't unless it's f#4ing fantastic. I am f#4ing sick of Japanese RPGS, especially from The Developer responsible for cliche tedious grindy RPGs.

He's right: Rocksteady would make a great Matrix game, but it would be a horrible waste of time at this point. The Matrix franchise died of self-inflicted wounds. Better they spend that time redeeming Superman games.

Right, because while being horribly disappointed with Dragon Age 2 I was thinking 'You know what would fix the severe content recycling and lack of epic scope? If they spent more time on adding multiplayer instead!'

Skyward Sword is for when you want your entire experience completely controlled (and sometimes you do). Skyrim is for making your own fun - it's MY game. I'm sure we'll play pretty much the same game of Skyward Sword, but your Skyrim is nothing like my game. Or anyone else's.

$30 for 4 GB? $120 for 32 GB?

NO. You should have bought it well over a year ago. When it was much cheaper.

You don't play a game like this for the story. The story's just there as an excuse while you have outrageous fun in the sandbox. I enjoyed the HELL out of Saint's Row 2 and I don't remember a single damn thing about whatever the excuse for a plot was. I remember setting things on fire and spraying cops with poop.

Hey Dude, I have so many awesome PC games stacked up right now I don't have time for your shit-ass slow motion trainwreck of a game even on my PS3 or X360.

It also helps that the landscapes are beautiful everywhere. Really makes you want to see what's over that next hill.

Here's how it always works for me with Elder Scrolls, and Sykrim does seem to be even More:

Yes, screw you every Japanese RPG where you HAVE to grind between the end of the main plot and the Final Boss Fight to have a hope of beating it.

You can't believe this till the game actually hits. Ubisoft have lied about this before - or more charitably their ass didn't know what their elbow was doing.

Good lord, I'm not disappointed in Nintendo because all their games are the same. What a weird idea. It's the lack of quality games because they don't care much about third party games that's the huge problem for me. I'd love for them to have about 100 more Miyamoto clones so they could make enough first party games.

'saying that the new "periodical" is the last great video game magazine.'

In retrospect, though I believe the post is still completely correct, you are correct sir. It could have done without so much Language.

Okay, let's remember that like 'Atari', 'Activision' is a bloated corporate parasite feeding on the twitching corpse and name of a long dead company.

It was a shit-ass game. You (Gearbox) were the ones who thought the name Duke Nukem would excuse a crappy game - even though the execution was not entirely your fault. But you bought the meth factory and tried to sell it to the general public. Don't complain when people complain that anyone who goes near the bathtub

Hey, I played Quake when it first came out. It has to do with the graphics, but also the plodding sameness of the gameplay. The multiplayer deathmatch was much better but I'm talking the single player game here. I went back and tried to play it again about five (?) years ago and it still couldn't hold my interest.