
This is funny, but also reeks of nostalgia. Quake was just not a very good game. First gen 'okay we need to really do 3D now instead of faking it' experiment. But we don't have all that many Ds, so we'll make them all brown. I'll take something like Bulletstorm over Quake any day.

"It's a way for new players to get exposed to a franchise."

From reading the reviews the single player is just shit. There's no love at all. So why did they even bother? It's not like anyone is buying this for the single player. I expect a good single player game from Bad Company, not from the mainline Battlefield.

'Just get rid of bad boss fights' misses the point. 95% of boss fights are going to bad, and there is in practice nothing you can do about that when they're mandatory at the end of every level, because it's just too much work to make good ones.

Well that would explain it. I missed that because I was traveling.

I now have a phone that plays cheaper games that are better suited for the times I'd want to be playing a portable system instead of a living room console. Your schtick is over. Adapt or risk going the way of Sega - Miyamoto's going to die or retire some day, and then it'll be too late.

Most important - don't have a bizarro-frankenstein architecture. Or if you do at least hide it from the developers under layers of SDKs and middleware. That way you won't have to wait two years after launch again for a great game even when the hardware is theoretically bitchin'.

This is brilliant! For Sega. You'll never be able to tell whether the AI is just being brain-dead or purposely being a whiny little bitch.

The incompetence is not even planning for NORMAL failure modes. Every single thing they've done indicates that they're making zero allowance for failures, which is why every little bump ends up being a total disaster. It's trivial to keep your code under source control including off site source control. It's not just

These guys are just totally incompetent, no surprises here.

Meh. Remember how orgiastic the fans and the gamesites were about the FFXIII White Engine?

Yeah, there's obviously a window. And I'm leaving that $100 in there at risk. But you gotta at least try to minimize exposure and not just leave $10K+ in there.

It looks like Sony did the right thing here. No hatin'.

Paypal just semi-randomly freezes and seizes a small portion of accounts. A small number of those will successfully make enough stink to get the account unfrozen, but it's still worth it for them to get the money from the rest.

Is it officially a disappointing game yet when this is the best thing in it?

The plot/dialogue was just hilariously stupid (while the gameplay was razor smart), and all the ridiculous cussing just added to the over the top for me. C'mon, what would you have if you took out all the

The worst bit is how the PC version seems to unload all textures you aren't looking at, just like on the console versions, so when you spin around it's like you're briefly looking at a C64 FPS. And this doesn't seem to be configurable without console commands. We've got more RAM on our video cards than a console has

Don't forget they pulled this functionality from the PS3 (software PS2 emu in the 2nd gen 2007 PS3s) so they could individually resell you these games later.

So someone misconfigured a network routing table or DNS entry or whatever. Good luck fixing that with any sort of procedure.

$20 to fix Nintendo's bad decisions? No thanks.