
Valve are the only big game publishers who don't treat us like f@#4ing thieves. I appreciate that and know I will have no regrets about buying a Valve game on the PC because it won't be months later than the console version, it won't be a shabby port, and it won't be crippled.

Oh come on. You know this game will only be good as long as it's unreleased. Let it have its moment. A lot of them.

This is for damn sure. Sony's schizophrenic, bizarrely architected, opaque hardware can go pound sand; all its Japanese execs are apparently insane; it removes features with every new version or mandatory system upgrade; but you have to give full credit to the studios who managed to squeeze fantastic games out of

Well honestly I wouldn't have minded getting this as Diablo III in 2006 and the new one as Diablo IV in 2011. Though I guess those are both pretty optimistic schedule-wise.

@snuter: Thank you so much. I thought maybe I was just hating change, but no, the old format is so much more USABLE.

Hey Sony, I have the name of one of those evil bastards for you. And he's a celebrity too. Kevin Butler.

Is this to go with the new format? In any case I miss these long reflective articles on Kotaku. Even if I have no interest in Foursquare whatsoever, it's interesting to read about your internal struggles with it. And Cheatification is only going to get worse and worse.

There's one good reason to go single console - budgeting time or money. It gets a bit overwhelming with one of each.

After the pain of dealing with a PS3 it's nice to go back to a console that just works and doesn't need constant patching or and doesn't want to be Blu-Ray Second Life. Even if the graphics aren't as purty.

But outright theft of IP is only half the Chinese product. How does Kaibutsu Chronicle poison you or give you cancer?

Vanquish does this interestingly - you get weapon ups, but your suit gets no upgrades to speak of. The game just pushes you harder and harder and you have to get better at using the same old tool you had available all along. It does this by challenging you more, not by stripping things away - that's just punishment.

"they either feature misogynism or underage characters"

@jPizza56: You may remember that he also thought the PS3 was a bargain at $600. This looks like a great device, but you can't ever use anything Kaz says for anything but amusement value.

The recent Dark Horse Conan and Solomon Kane books have been excellent. Even some stuff from stalwarts of Savage Sword like Roy Thomas.

Well once again they've produced something that looks extremely polished and has awesome specs. Just like the PSP was at the time. Perhaps they'll treat this one better since they're not as busy scrambling to pull the PS3 out.

The ragdoll physics on that kid were so last gen.

FFXIII was great once you got past the 30 hour tutorial and out on the planet (where it became suspiciously like FF12). Combat was fast and furious.

What, you couldn't get the <blink> tag working in a jpeg?

Oh whoop de doo. Trophies don't mean anything except your own personal satisfaction. That trophy you earned is still worth exactly as much effort as you put into it.

@Rockabully: I think the point with kids is that they're self-centered as hell. 'Taking into consideration', where 'consideration' means considering how this might inconvenience anybody but Me, is just not going to happen. This isn't a game or community thing, just a kid thing.