
I blame geoH0t. If he hadn't so maliciously and cavalierly released the keys to the Dreamcast, Sega would have made this a collection of the games everyone wanted instead of...

I imagine it won't take too long before this meta-game is more popular than the game is.

Blah blah blah piracy blah blah. Yeah, some kids want pirated games, and I'm sure certain entire countries are salivating at the prospect, but you'll notice the people doing the hacks seem to have no interest in it and neither do I, so quit conveniently assigning evil intentions to everyone who thinks this is a good

The tech is neat.

Well this is a neat idea - like those black and white LCD cubes you could stick together and they'd interact with each other.

@Gnarkiller: This is more like 8 months (which is still pretty good). The date people started trying real hard to crack the console as opposed to just cracking blu-ray was the date Sony decided to pull Linux functionality. And then start crippling peripherals.

Well it's nice to have the option for physical (PSPgo? Noooooo) but you'd better provide digital versions of everything. Because if you don't, other people are going to do it for you. Revenue free.

Oh please, don't say 'unfair'. That's the lazy whine of everyone who doesn't get his way, from limp activists who don't think they're getting enough largesse to active scammers like Al Sharpton or Fred Phelps. There are plenty of reasons to oppose this other than the limp 'unfaaaaaaaaair' - the last time they did this

Go Google Go. Jesus intended for the ctrl key to be under the tab key - it's much more useful there.

So what useful functionality besides the jailbreak does this 'update' break? Has anyone found out yet?

What sucks hard about doing games for Linux is a lack of Direct X - unless of course you're just going through Wine so you get it.

I don't really see the problem as long as they're not disrupting the class. It's their grade in the toilet and they're paying for the class - and if they do fine anyhow then the lecture wasn't all that value added, was it? Gives the professor more time for the people who are actually interested. Win Win.

@GrumpySteen: Say what? No. The PS3 and especially the X360 are doing much better in those charts. They slumped a little in 2008 and 2009, but 2010 looks really strong for them.

This was definitely one of the stupidest choices ever. Not only did they steal the switch for mute, it doesn't even mute all sound! Totally f@Q#4ing worthless.

I think the commenters need to realize he's talking about as a platform for game development and sales. They've sold more PSPs than they had any right to, but this really hasn't translated into a great software platform with lots of great games (though there are several spectacular ones). Sony never really invested in

@Strey: Yeah, I'm a hater. There's nothing wrong with hating pancreatic cancer, Hydrophobia (the game), Virtual Boy giving you blinding migraine headaches, or anything else that's just plain broken like FFXIV.

"This is as good as, perhaps better than, anything Infinity Ward has made."

You know, 'Behaviour' ... your studio name really isn't your worst problem. I'd put it waaaaaaay down the list, in fact.