
Even worse is that according to their sales report, they sold more copies of this steaming pile than they sold of Just Cause 2, which was wall to wall non-stop (stupid) fun that didn't punish you for just existing.

Well it least it sounds better than FF14, even if you're virulently sick while playing!

@oldtaku: It's a very easy point, and perhaps I should have said it more succinctly: It's not the fault of the pirates, it's Sony's fault for crippling the PSP trying to prevent piracy and generally spending more effort fighting piracy than on making a system anyone cares about. RaD knew going in they weren't making

I have to wonder why you made a game for a 'console' that you know is the worst of both worlds in the first place. Obviously the franchise name sold you into thinking you'd get enough copies sold based on name alone.

Hahahahaha no.

As soon as I heard it was only six hours single player it was off the table till it hits $20 or so.

ATLUS. Give me this in English. I will pay you anything*. I am so sick of gay bald space marines and androgynous whiny prettyboys.

Yeah yeah now what about FFXIV? This kind of facile excuse doesn't hold up well over two games, especially when you get even worse the second time.

Gee it's almost like they knowingly launched it completely unfinished and you paid to be an alpha tester.

I have to agree. CJ was such a disappointment. I was okay with the humor, and there is tons of bonus content, but the core gameplay sucked.

Just wait till he gets to middle school and being ha-fu is super exotic and hawt. You'll be fighting them off with a Big Mac.

First, it's Activision-Blizzard, not just Blizzard. Remembering that willl tell you a lot.

It looks interesting and WinMo definitely needed a reboot. But.

That really looks like they're trying to copy the looks of an HP, at least with the color scheme. But it doesn't do RPN, so f@$# that.

That's a little amusing considering how shocking, controversial, and just plain bad Sony's ads often are. These exploding kids wouldn't look out of place at all in a PS3 commercial.

Woudln't it be nice if there were something similar for the millions of defective desktop GPUs they sold?

This is the most fun I've seen anyone have with this game. I salute you, Legless. Which isn't awkward at all since you're not Armless.

Nobody could ever have seen this coming.

@Bearodactyl: Having to figure out how to do things is fine ('oh I need this from over here', 'maybe if I put these two things together...'), but you should never have to figure out the game interface itself just because it's so badly designed.

@oldtaku: One more thing - if you let it ferment at too high a temp (over 80F) you will often end up with fusel alcohols which will leave you with horrible gas, headaches, and stripped throat.