
Okay, I'm a brewer, and let me tell you that the best thing you do after it ferments (and this applies to /anything/) is to move it to another container via siphoning or some other method that leaves all the dead yeast behind and let it sit for another week, or preferably two.

From the beta... the character creation was the best part of the game.

Unless they can do control of the sensitivity of the individual pixels I am guessing they're doing something like shooting alternate frames at alternate exposures. One underexposed, one exposed, one overexposed, repeat. Or just over/under/repeat. Then you can combine subsequent frames.

The big question is - 2nd analog stick, or are you going to be such gigantic cocks you will still refuse to add one just out of spite?

This was obvious from Day One.

I wish there were a chance in hell we would get this uncensored. Good horror doesn't come around often at all.

Time to poop out another gimmick (one that everyone else will love and copy), sell another billion consoles, and laugh all the way to the bank over piles of crapware.

That looks like it should be on the DS. ... and that includes the graphics.

I'm in the beta on PC; I was thinking this was just a horribly bad game, but then I realized it makes sense if you realize this is just a PS3 game with a thin emulation layer. That explains how it can take an entire CPU just to show a static jpeg (polling loop instead of event driven), the horrible sluggish software

@ClockOut: Almost all games re-use textures, and most slip in geometry copy where they can and then modify it no longer looks copypasta. But only low budget crapware just copies, rotates, and drops entire identical areas; geometry, textures and all.

I see pirated Nintendo stuff in mall kiosks around here at least once or twice a year. Those 100 games in 1 things that you just hook right up to the TV and it's got 100 or whatever pirated NES carts on it.

@Topsy_Elephante: It means 'we know Google still kicks our asses at search so we need another term we can claim to be better at.'

@AreWeThereYeti: Perhaps you have noscript on, or javascript disabled? No javascript on google.com for whatever reason gives you plain old search (which you can also use to get it back if you don't like the instant).

You go Gabe. He was right on the PS3 (and then things got better), and he's sure right on this. It's a travesty that a publisher like Valve, who is one of the few on the planet who actually cares about the customer, can't arrange for a stream of constant free content updates.

Well I bought it. But after playing this game I will not be buying Dead Rising 2 at full price.

@oldtaku: No, I am not going to pirate. I don't have the time or bandwidth to torrent 20GB disks.

PS3 continues to be the only console that gets worse with every single update. I salute you Sony! My original 60 GB with hardware PS2 compat is completely unplugged from the network right now so you can't break that you evil motherf#Q$ers. Too late now.

That is really quite a nice design. Small, portable, does the job...

Those poor bastards just can't catch a break. Best of luck to them and won't some generous soul please send them some DSes? Or at least jailbreak the PSPs so they can run emulators.

I'm a brewer - and I can verify that glass sucks. Never let light touch your beer till it's ready to touch your lips.