
As customizable... woohoo!

Right now? iPad. As soon as Android tablets get some of that sweet mirasol or pixel qi action and don't suck ass (looking at you Archos 7) then Android.

Sweet! It's been long enough since Borderlands that by Fall 2011 I'm sure I will be actively craving some more desert punk car and gun action.

Sorry, App store's game selection is much better. Once you wade through the vast realms of crap, of course. Probably even vaster than the vast realms of bottom tier RPGs on the PSP.

This is one reason I prefer XBLA to PSN still. Obviously there are things you can only get on PSN, but if the game is on both, then XBLA always has a demo. Always. This has saved me a lot of money - but has also made some unexpected sales when I liked and bought games I didn't really think I would like.

So how is this on iPad? I'm sure it plays the same, but does it look like crap?

Now playing

Love those shoes - taken from a Pimp in the movie 'I'm Gonna Get You Sucka'. Though he's missing the PimpCane!

What I find horrifying is that from these numbers (100/4 * 35) SOE is somehow employing about 900 people. Doing what?

@YoufofDaN8Shin: I applied for one of those jobs on SoE's employment page once before after the entire engineering department was laid off. They were fake jobs. Just there to hold open a position in case they ever get some funding for it. The guy I talked to told me he would actually love to bring me in, but couldn't

Wooooo, placebo fix! We can keep releasing them till you believe it.

So now that we've had the official denial we can take it as confirmed.

I know I don't have the proper Japanese mindset, but the perfect length for an RPG is 20 hours. It gives you a feeling of depth and leaves you wanting more, and possibly even a replay. Panzer Dragoon Saga proved that for me. By 40 hours in an RPG I'm always feeling sloggy and just have to beat this now. It's a

I don't think Jobs is a liar. You have to really believe what you're saying to make the RDF work that well on other people. So I'm sure he believes what he's saying at any given moment, even if it isn't true.

Lots of confusion here but from reading up it seems like you can have six people move knows about at once, so six 'players', but only two can be fully tracked at any time. Two dancers could be fully tracked at the same time, but no chorus line. Then you can switch people in and out to take turns, presumably just by

Well, I bought the first ep for the novelty. Not going to get this one at $4. Not when it's the typical one and a half good articles and the rest is Maxim-type fluff.

Oh sure, they show up at the party with the same dress. But honey, I can guarantee you that once that dress comes off what's under the Gamepro cover requires a sixpack and two paper bags, while with Edge you could even leave the lights on.

Okay, so the Tales games are formula as hell - but I love the combat and would miss playing one of these every two years or so.

@Stetrain: This is cool (har) because it's specifically designed to get the air below the wet bulb temperature even in humid climes. They specifically mention Miami, and Houston, which is a sweaty filthy pit.

@gerrylum: There were plenty of games at E3 that I'm sure will sell more, but nothing so concept changing. Most are just higher production retreads of old concepts. This is a fundamentally new type of 'game' - you could argue it's upgraded DDR, but DDR doesn't teach you anything that's useful off a DDR pad.

These seem perfect for hacking to show porn.