
You can expect to see more stuff on PSN migrating over to Plus only or Plus early. It's the only way to get people to cough up $50 a year, especially when online play is still (for now) free.

I'm looking forward to the game, but I was pretty horrified at that Game Informer cover, and this is fairly awful too.

OOoooooo. Grabbed it, thank you.

@AcidTWister: No, just for the convenience cable. You can use a key, a usb hard drive, or just redownload/rerip the stuff and not pay a dime.

@nayajhen: This is not a musical instrument. This is a sonic weapon specifically designed to annoy your opponents to death. Never mind that it gets both teams, that would be too much thinking.

Well that's generally pretty slick... but that nosecone gazebo is just horribly tacky.

Amazon says they're shipping on Wednesday (the 16th) though that may turn out to be untrue.

I was going to say Meh. But then I saw Rez 2. Now I'm wibbly.

Honestly, there are three big problems with the iPad (once you get past the 'why would you want a tablet at all?' people who have very low Theory of Other scores).

By the way, the site hints at an iPad version coming, so if you have the iPad you might wait instead of buying the iPhone version and upscaling it.

Every now and the then the feds like to remind us just how stupid and useless they are and how much they hate us for taking home nearly 70% of their money.

Strange, I just finished a 6 hour Red Dead Redemption binge and my nose isn't bleeding at all.

That's good news! The less Guerilla and the more Naughty Dog the better the game will be. Killzone 1 and 2 were thoroughly meh, especially for something people keep positioning as a system selling exclusive. Uncharted 2, now that's a system selling exclusive.

Sony is completely full of crap, as usual. The PSP is doing badly because it hardly has any good games and because the DS easier to hack and homebrew.

@Chewblaha: It's like mathletes.

I'm going with the Nintendo Puu.

You're going to have to change the whole color scheme too, if you want it to fit in. White on (almost) black? Do you think you're Adobe? Get out of the car!

Uhhhh, yeah. Actually my PS3 hardware has been hugely reliable. The only time has broken have been when your far too frequent, far too untested system updates have f#$ed it up. So now you want to make that a profit center?

Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare 1) is absolutely worth $15 if you haven't played it yet. Please don't let the absolutely horrible Modern Warfare 2 sour you on it. It is the Highlander to MW2's Highlander 2.

Oh whoopty shit. So if I give in and install this I lose Linux and gain crappy 3D if I shell out $3000k for it till they give up on this too.