
It's certainly vital to my not buying any of your games again.

Well you know, it probably won't be a bad game given the dev's creds, which I respect... but it won't be the X-Com we've been waiting for for (almost) two decades.

This is where the phrase

@Jackel2072: I think it'll help that they're not being forced to cram in some SIXAXIS crap this time.

Some people just need religion more than others and some people need the validation of the tribe more than others. That's what it's all about, right? Pretending you're part of this big coherent powerful tribe who all agree with you and who can CRUSH all those infidels in the other tribe(s) if they get out of line.

Yeah, I'm part of those statistics. I've logged in 3 times (or 4? I forget), spent most of the time waiting for anything interesting to download and was disappointed every time. 12 million avatars on permanent /dance, though at least we're spared the horrors of Second Life.

Hardcore PS3 fans are just super sensitive about the exclusivity thing since most of their exclusives ended up being crap. This has changed - InFAMOUS, Uncharted 2, LBP, are all good stuff - I own a PS3 for games like these. But the memories of games like Haze, that dragon game whose name I can't even remember, and

Thank you, Kotaku. You've saved me $60.

Well I'm not letting Toyota off the hook in general on this (there is no way they can say there KNOW there are no electrical/software problems), but it sure does look bad in this case.

95% of players were not affected since they haven't even bought the game yet (if ever).

I went hunting and saw the PC AC2 cracks as well. This is great. F@#$ you, Ubisoft, f#$@ you to hell. I am not buying a game where my carefully planned assassination can be defeated by a dropped packet.

It would be great if this had something to do with Infinity Ward realizing how crappy and derivative Modern Warfare 2 was (at least compared to MW1) and wanting to do something new. Maybe now they can actually go off and do something good again.

Ha! Everything starts working at 4PM PST? Which is is... Midnight, March 2, 2010.

The ability to finally assign games to categories (besides just 'favorites') pretty much makes this all worth it. There's only a couple games I want to play at any time and the ability to /only/ show those by default is what I've wanted all along. Now if I could just make it never show me Shellshock 2 no matter what...

Quick note. If you get connection errors and/or you just get blank white pages where anything should be, open up Internet Explorer, go to Tools-Internet Options-Connections-LAN Settings, and turn OFF 'Automatically Detect Settings'.

Yeeeeeeeees. Taking Sonic away from Sonic Team is like taking Tomb Raider away from Core. About F#4ing Time.

Bah, it wasn't just western reviewers who were complaining about this. The Japanese boards immediately lit up about it, sales tanked (though not till after a good start), and as you noted Japanese reviewers complained about the linearity too.

This is just a horrible idea. I remember the early days of the PS3 when every desperately needed exclusive was going to be The One that cemented its domination. Breathless anticipation, frenzied posting, then a reviewer drops a 6 or 7 of 10 on the game and the forums go mad screaming for the guy's head. PS3 has good

@Scazza: From talking to devs who've worked with PSN, Sony pays per byte for anything you grab from PSN (and also charges this back to 3rd parties). This is why they're so much stingier about downloads than XBL and why you see far fewer demos on PSN and why there's download limits even on things you've bought. It

I almost bought one of the $300 drum sets for Rock Band. Twice. So glad I didn't now. Now what the hell do we do with the bundled one?