
I'll probably pick this up, but I think Bayonetta has spoiled me for clumsy God of War type combat. I know that's strange to say because when it first came out God of War (1) was amazing. But playing the Dante's Inferno demo what I mostly noticed (besides 'Wow, a crucifix that shoots crucifix lasers') was how badly

I would love to see both someone else do MW3 and to see Infinity Ward doing something else they actually care about. Because MW 2 was just awful. What a letdown from MW1.

No docile cow who would be a Playboy bunny could possibly be the Bayonetta character. Though using the phrase for someone whose character is so purposely ridiculous makes me cringe, 'real Bayonetta' would have her gun so far up Hugh's hedonistic ass that he'd be burping saltpeter.

@Mister Eee: These are GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers). Windows uses them a lot to... identify hopefully unique things. Like control panel or admin panel items such as this thing.

I've noticed this with my own friends. The women always (purposely I think) underestimate the amount of time they spend playing games, mostly because of the stigma, even though the most hardcore WoW player I know is a woman. It's all about appearance, like getting the salad even if all the addons and dressing make it

@oldtaku: Also, forgive me for replying to my own comment, but anyone who actually wants to read the original should read Michael Palma's translation. This is the best of any I've ever read. He pulls off the miracle of doing the translation, preserving the structure, and making it sound utterly natural so it's a

This one's obvious.

@icedrake523: That's true, I was kind of bored afterward. The challenge levels or replay didn't really hold much appeal when I tried them - but I'm willing to live with a one-shot game that's sufficiently awesome the first and only time through.

Okay devs, this is your chance to fix the one big problem with B:AA, which was the crap-ass final boss fight you just shoehorned in there. You should have the budget now to give us an epic Batman climb up an impossibly tall structure, sneaking and bataranging and taking out goons, to reach [endboss] at the top.

Multiplayer at the expense of single player is my #1 hate these days. Sometimes I want to play co-op, but there's no way in hell I will ever want to play Ratchet and Clank Deathmatch (just as one example) for more than an hour, as a curiousity, and so it's really annoying when it's obvious that the single player game

Yeah, I have both and I'd buy the 360 version based on this. I don't go scrutinizing games for true 720p or anything like that, but this is clearly noticeable even casually. If it were the other way around or they looked the same but the PS3 version had better packins I'd get that instead. No hard feelings.

There was Archon Ultra back in the 90s... but I think everyone can be forgiven for pretending that never existed.

Actually, for me the most interesting part in that series of articles is where he says his goal at Activision is 'to take all the fun out of making video games."

That is hilariously bad, demeaning, and stupid.

They still haven't solved their fundamental problem that Asian women (not just Asian, but they try most often) just don't look as good as their in-game versions.

As an engineer I'm going to guess that

GU Comics really puts the 'heads' in 'talking heads,' doesn't it?

Okay, so in this thread pointing this out is effectively a troll, but you could also notice that the XBox 360 loads the game vastly faster than either, thanks to its much speedier (and lower capacity) optical drive and full-game install capability.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. Do you really have to remind us every week just how horrible the gaming comic ghetto is? What does it say when Penny Arcade, as inconsistent as it is, is still better than 99% of the gaming comics just because it maintains at least a minimum level of professionalism, art, and non-suck?

@oldtaku: Also, I am playing with an original SIXAXIS because I believe you when you say it is impossible to get rumble and vibration and the same device, and when you say there are six million fanboys who are fucking stupid enough to buy your game machine even without any games, I will sheepishly raise my hand.