
No, I have an original PS3 with PS2 hardware and Linux compatibility . Which is finally starting to look like a good investment.

@StinkyPinky69: You can use the SPEs on the PS3 Phat to crunch numbers with Linux, for instance. It's been used this way as the basis of several low cost supercomputing clusters. Okay, not in the league of Blue Gene, but if the Cell is anything it's a single precision floating point monster.

This is gone for the same reason PS2 compat is gone and has stayed gone - to force you to buy PS3 games instead of wasting your time (from Sony's viewpoint) with other stuff on the PS3.

Seriously. Stop calling them Blizzard. It's 'Activision Blizzard'.

How about you just make a Sonic game that appeals to everyone like 1 and 2 did and then gussy it up with all sorts of fancy pseudo-3d and particle effects and lens flares if you need to? You were so close with Unleashed.

Okay, I said something earlier that was positive, but these comments are saddening me.

Damn, this is F@$#ing Metal.

Okay, not trying to troll here (no really), but this is what you have to expect when you deliberately make your architecture hard to work with. And you absolutely can not reasonably argue that Hirai didn't make usability a horrible distant poor relative of raw vector processing *UNF*. Everything is about keeping those

Congratulations, MS, you've come up with something even more horrid than Sony Home! Advertisements on every polygon, indeed.

Do not want. Sony's handheld was weak, MS's first hardware is always weak so the first XBox 3.14 will be an extended beta at our expense like the first XBox was. If it's not compatible with my huge library of DS games I just don't have /time/ for it.

@Atheist Jew: YES. This is my #1 anticipated game. Skies of Arcadia without a crappy encounter/combat system? I am there with bells on. I am of course breathlessly optimistic about the non-crappy encounter/combat system.

Well part of this is Kotaku growing up too. I know you're not just talking about Kotaku, but as the site's gotten more popular, the strident system enthusiasts will inevitably flock to it to get more coverage for their 'X is the One True System' gospel. It's been a noticeable change from the clubby older days of the

No demo = no pre-order from me. I'll wait for reviews. And maybe end up buying a used copy.

Multiplayer Schmultiplayer - where's the single player demo? Or is this another one of those lame-ass 'you only get the demo if you already bought it' Sony <3 Gamestop things?

@SpiralGray: I don't think it would have sold nearly as many copies on its own, true, especially because the only thing people could compare it to was GTA III, which it really was nothing like. But I remember almost everyone who actually played it saying 'Wow, I'm surprised at how awesome this is.'

100% banal

Playing inFAMOUS (and beating it) made me appreciate just how good Crackdown was. Crackdown was so much better (though inFAMOUS is prettier) as far as fun stuff to do and find. So it had no real story or plot... It was just great to run around in. I enjoyed it more than GTA IV as well. So bring on Crackdown 2.

Or they figured no Wii owner would know who Icarus was? Hopefully it was the trademark thing.

That's a really bad trailer. It really makes the game look weak. Go look at the super cool videos on youtube instead, like the ones BFB embedded up there.

@No I wouldn't like tea and crumpets: That's where I'm at. Activision being total dicks means I save a lot of money not buying any of their stuff. And somehow I'm not suffering.