
You come up with new techniques - so you thought simulating 'real' water was prohibitive? Well someone's come up with a clever way to do it in 1/5th the CPU time and now suddenly you can make water on that 'maxed out' console look a lot better. Or the tools get a lot better and now your baked in textures and polygon

Whoopty-shit. Did 'Lair' teach you idiots nothing? You can make the Wiimote 'work' on old games with a little hacking, and it SUCKS ASS. A game needs to be designed with motion control in mind, not just have it bolted on the side. Same thing with Natal, in case MS says something as stupid as Sony about that.

Roguelikes have been doing this for decades, in various forms (from just the bones laying there to other player corpses wandering around and maybe attacking you in later runs - even your own!), but it's great to see it in a 'real' video game. And I think the replay mechanism is new, that seems borrowed from racing

I speak the language, and you know, this isn't all that bad for robotic Japanese newswomen or station announcers. The language is extremely regular for pronunciation if you're trying to sound professional and not shorten your ending -su (desu desu desu!) and the like, so it's much easier to synthesize than English.

Whiny suit man can suck my schlong till he stops suing Double Fine and churning out crappy sequels. I see a lot of similar comments, but this can't be emphasized enough.

This game PWNED me for an entire week. I finally got bored because I'd beaten it 3 times and all the minigames and puzzles and... but damn, that was well worth $10 on Steam. Get it. Now.

While I'm not sure I like them going after SL instead of the infringers, I can also see why Taser wouldn't really want their name used for (virtual) devices used in (virtual) crack dens to (virtually) stun (virtual) crackwhores before you (virtually) rape them.

I've heard this isn't all that special if you've already played the first to death, so pata pata... gone. Or so I tell myself. What with Chinatown DS and Henry Hattsworth (okay, that could end up sucking, but might be great) and Suikoden Tiekreis and DQV, anything you can do to keep me from pulling out the PSP since

'Arthas stood over Bolvar, letting the final string of his leather breeches come undone. The former leader of Stormwind gasped in alarm and reluctant awe as Frostmourne split the air before him, runes dancing up and down its length.'

Well done, Sega! I'm glad to have more games I don't have to even consider buying or worrying about.

@dabettis: This game is nothing like Professor Layton other than involving 'puzzles', but they're completely different types of puzzles. This is more a Puzzle Quest with platforming sort of thing.

Ugh, MGS4 is such a boring pointless piece of crud unless you're a total Metal Gear fanboy already (then it's completely awesome).

Maybe the lack of good games finally caught up with them? I guess that would be too much to ask.

Wah, I just get an eternal slowly slewing planetary background. No menu, no text, no anything. I hit esc, enter, F1-F12, nothing does anything except alt-enter switches it to a window.... with nothing but a slowly slewing background.

Yeah, it wasn't PLEASANT like iFart, the #1 app, is.

XBox division is profitable. Unlikely to see too many cuts there.

I see they're expecting girls won't know the difference between a pink baseball bat and a pink golf club either.

@henhowc: I don't recall paying for my subscription. I'm kind of wondering what festering crapfest magazine they're going to replace the rest of my subscription with. Is PSM still around? Jesus that was awful, the lowest form of pandering teen crap (EGM at least didn't have to be stupidly gung ho about one platform).

@ColinStein: You've got... yeah, Game Informer. Which is actually damn good for a house mag, and better than EGM has been for some time now. Though recently I've been watching their review scores creep upwards so even marginally cruddy stuff gets at least a 7 (so EB can sell more, I guess, or maybe Eidos or EA is

This seems to be an age thing. Young people like to be stupidly and unfairly oppressed (they deny it, but I remember being that age) because it feeds into the teenage angst generation and fighting TEH MAN, they worry about replayability and finishing a game too fast because they have limited money and unlimited time.