
@Ubersoldat19: Yeah, just a reminder here. Whenever you see

@TrjnRabbit: But the combat was so fun! Much better than WoW. Which is now so hideously boring. I admit AoC was crap other than that, but I so wish WoW could take the combat.

@Shadsy: I think that's okay - I'd much rather have superdense DC than realistically spread out and boring DC. As it is, almost every time you go over a hill you come across something cool and new, and it 'feels' right, even if it isn't.

@GOD: All my muscles except my thumbs are atrophied shriveled leeks. CURSE YOU CASTLEVANIA.

You people are going on and on about piracy, but I love how my R4 lets me run all my legally owned carts on one cart, without ever switching media. I might be in the mood for Puzzle Quest or Castlevania or Tetris or Nanostray or Mr. Driller or whatever.

@tiredluke129: I beat the game (twice!), so the 5 minutes wasn't boring at all to me. The music is awesome and I was looking forward to seeing who'd cameo next. Lacking that I can see where it'd be just one more set of dancing fools after another.

Oh god, I want to see this in engine now. Awesome.

Since misery loves company, I'd like to remind HTC Touch Pro (or other WinMo devices with a real keyboard plus landscape mode, which makes a huge difference in quality of play) about [www.nethack.org] - may you lose as many hours as I have.

LOL 17k is FRENZY. I've got more frenzy in my pants, bitches.

Fundamentally broken? Well shit. Then, what have I been doing for 60 hours when I thought I was having a great time playing this? Perhaps I'm in Vault 112...

This makes more sense to me. I was boggled in the first place when you reported that Sega might actually hold a Sonic game back for being poor quality. When has that ever stopped their endless parade of crap?

The game creates a HUGELY compelling post-nuclear wasteland. As a fan of the first two games, I have to admit that the move to 3D makes it much more immersive. It's very surreal to be climbing over heaps of twisted concrete and rebar while the 'President of the United States' rants at me between Sousa marches on my

These dumb avatars are the one bit of NXE I don't give a rat's ass about. The rest though... I want.

New content is always good I guess, but based on the anime this is every dumb horror porn game (yes, there is such a genre) cliche rolled into one. Perhaps the game was better, but I doubt it, since every time someone tells me Game X was simply amazing they mean 'simply amazing for a ero game', which is a pretty low

@Certop: Er, well maybe they will have won in raw dollars at that point, but number of consoles out there and the attach rate (games sold) is the big win. That leads to more software sales, which leads to more hardware and software sales which leads to etc. More importantly, it leads to all sorts of 'exclusives'

Ugh I played it, gave it a shot. The new mechanism does lead to some interesting headswaps, but it also leads to severe pissoffs when you see moves that would be perfectly legit in Bejeweled that are impossible here.

@Komrade_Kayce: I actually thought SR2 was a better 'game' than GTA4 (and I beat them both). The plot in GTA4 is miles above SR2's throwaway trash (hell, I can hardly remember it now), but as far as game mechanisms, amount of polish, and just having fun, I thought SR2 beat it handily. Hard call.

Nobody quite like Sony in continuously putting the 'f@#k' in 'f@#k you' where their customers are concerned. MS is big and eager (but may step on your foot), Ninty at least pretends to be polite (while vampiring your wallet), and Sony... well they know their fans are dumb enough to buy PS3s even if it didn't have any

I am totally in on this. The option to have completely NPC parties IF YOU WANT TO is awesome - note this not prevent you from playing with your friends or guild members (which is most of the naysayers seem hung up on), it's just an option.

Look, you can't take the word of reasonable Muslims (and many have come forward) that singing Quran verses is okay. There are plenty others who think it's a huge sin, and those are the insane bastards who are going to burn down your buildings, blow themselves up in the middle of your lobby, or behead your employees on