
@CarinSalo: Sweet Jesus how do you go from Home to XBox Dashboard? Are you really that desperate? 'LOL OKAY A SUX BUT B SUX 2 RITE... rite? guyze? helo?' never comes off as a good defense for A, it just shames everyone involved.

Yeah, DSi has sort of jumped the shark. That it's region locked is the final straw.

Oh they're just lying. Again. They said this about the GBA when the DS first came out.

You know what really waters down The Force? When you somehow manage to turn yanking a Star Destroyer out of the sky and onto the ground into a boring, tedious, stupid, and cheap experience so it's just a relief when it happens instead of a thrill.

Wow, nice. New hardware, but we're not letting you have it because we want you suckers to buy the old version at full price this holiday season then have to buy the new one next year. Bend over and take it, bitches.

To people who still don't get it - this is just SSX Tricky on ATVs. With gorgeous graphics (though fewer courses). And with SSX seemingly on hiatus since the 'meh' SSX On Tour, I'll take it.

Wow, I'm impressed, they didn't just deny it outright regardless of the truth. Nintendo, I'm ratcheting you down one little step on the 'goddamn liars' scale. Good for you.

I don't see anything wrong with the press building Jack Thompson up as 'that crazy guy who thinks video games are all murder simulators'. There are always going to be scared old people who believe this, and until they hurry up and die (damn Boomers), it's a good thing if the guy representing the enemy is an obviously

Sorry, I'll take small concentrated quality content over huge boring spread out content any day. GTA: San Andreas was a good lesson in that. Or the old Elder Scroll games (shudder).

@Dogswithguns: MS knows 'Vista' is tainted (as much as they keep making hurf burf noises to the contrary and have from the disastrous launch) and they need to get something out that's not-Vista, even if it's just Vista SP2 with some lipstick on it.

Hi, this is from a guy who's spending at least $300 this month just on games (damn you Rock Band). I'm not buying Spore thanks to the DRM. Pirated it, got bored after 2 days, glad I didn't spend $50 on it, though I would have without the DRM. I'm not lying to you - I bought Mercs 2, even as goddamn buggy as that is.

Oh hell yes, I'm buying. The string work on this is awesome. Don't you bastards at Harmonix cocktease me like you did with Moving Pictures!

It's sad; Christianity used to drive and define great art (because they had all the money), but at this point everything Christian is just a bad knockoff of pop culture from a few years ago. Christian music, Christian literature, Christian video games - just take whatever was recently popular and cut and paste. And

Might be worth it just to avoid the hideous DRM on this thing. Even if you actually ordered it.

Ugh. I really want this to be a lot of fun, but I wouldn't trust PC Gamer at all. They're total score whores for exclusive reviews for big games.

I am totally excited about 'Peace Sells'. Megadeth's been crap for quite a while now, but the string-work on this is amazing.

I totally want the final Boss fight on this to be you guitar fighting Jesus on rockified Battle Hymn of the Republic as you try to snap his strings with powerups. But then he beats you (because he's Jesus) and flashes the horns.

Sweeeeeeeeet. Finally an entire album I can buy.

This has been a total clusterfrack. Adding insult to injury is this on the main page: 'We have found and addressed the source of this morning's issues, and ticket sales are now functioning correctly (though extremely high traffic volumes may still result in occasional delays). We'd like to apologize for the

For any of you guys who like this stuff (I do!) let me suggest again you at least preview 'Black Tide - Shockwave', which has been up for a couple months. This song is great fun for all positions (guitars, drums, bass, vocals).