
You know, this sounds like it could be good, but so did Star Wars Galaxies. After hearing that the clowns responsible for that are doing this, there's no way in hell I'm getting excited about it until it's out and it doesn't suck. Not getting my hopes up at all.

This is true. I have Steam. I am not signing up now for Gametap and EA's crappy download service or Penny Arcade's crappy download service or whatever. If it's not on Steam or outright purchasable so it's not locked down to a portal I'm not going to bother buying it, even for casual games.

I was considering passing on RB2, but if all my songs from RB1 will play in here (especially my DLC) then it's a no-brainer for me.

One of my theories is that they're releasing this thing early so everyone can get the penis out of their system before the actual game hits. So to speak.

All you people niggling over stupid stats like drive speed and number of usb ports should just admit your real favorite console is web-board comment wars. Jesus, if you can't say 'I like blah because it has better games' and mean it you're just desperately trying to convince yourself.

I am a WHORE: I own one of each. Xbox 360 is my favorite 'real' console (it just has better exclusives), but my DS gets a lot of use for RPGs (I love you Atlus) and I can only play Age of Conan on my PC.

> normal people with normal families and normal lives would have no use for these. i'll keep my durango.

Okay, I know this is getting way off topic, but the 'evil lite' of KotOR is one big reason I love Age of Conan so much. You can actually be EVIL. Poison some wells, hand out smallpox infected blankets, kill your questgivers (or sleep with them, but now we're off the evil bit). Of course AoC doesn't have to worry about

Gaming as an adult is easy - just give up watching TV. Just think of how many hours a day you just sit vegging out watching the same old crap you've seen for 30 years now. Well you could be sitting there vegging out slightly less and playing a video game instead. If you hear there's a great ep of South Park or Colbert

Okay, I said in the original thread I would pirate this game instead of buying it ( should still be there if you want to verify I'm not just making this up as a strawman. :p ). I can live with this, I'm back to buying it.

Green-clad Dude's 'oh whatevar he's just a bad reviewar that's all' would be a lot more convincing if he weren't using Link as his avatar.

Ah, Nintendo fanboys. If nothing else they're, well... dependable? I'm sure everyone saw this coming a mile away when he decided to review SSBB, but the airing of the trash like this was an unexpected pleasure.

Congratulations EA, this just convinced me that pirating the game is the best course of action. I will not have something like this on my PC uncracked.