
And the hairy dirtbag male look, particularly the child molester mustaches.

Well, at the time it was an improvement on 70s hair.

I apologize for flooding the comments, but there's a lot here and I love the game…

I took that as a challenge in picking them off one by one. Also, after a couple powerups you will have some awesome crowd control (Mesmerize is so OP I actually feel bad about using it). Or you can just stick to the safe path. Do whatever you want to do!

I was okay with the easy boss fight. I didn't really even want a boss fight in this game and having one at all kind of cheapened it for the ghost/mercy playstyle - they do give you the option to take her out without killing her and it'd be nice if you could have done that without her even knowing. The level leading

For me Corvo's there for three reasons:
- I played the first time through as no kill Emily. I'm not going to 'sully' that by going back and having her kill every living thing. Corvo gets to be the bad guy.
- For people who played the first game to death, this is now a new huge playground for people who know Corvo's

The first mission is there to make you feel vulnerable (as you should). Just avoid them all for now, staying to the alleys and/or high. You can bypass the hordes of guards in the street, hop in the water, and swim to your destination.

I remember when the original came out and everyone was just so blown away by the amazing graphics that the terrible, terrible gameplay didn't matter - me too! I don't think I ever got more than a couple screens in, realized that was a fool's game and not really the point.

Sega's strategy is making cheap tie-in crap that kids will buy like they buy the comic books. It's less effort. This would be great if they actually wanted to make good games, but they don't care that much.

Sorry to be a downer, but that seems like a fairly accurate metaphor for most careers in art.

The other consoles (except the Dreamcast, and look what happened to that) were pushing hard on how 'real' they could make things look. More polys! More grim! More grit! More blood! Browner dirt! More lens flare! This was before people had given up on Nintendo competing technically, so Zelda was going to help prove

No, no, I don't need all my shooters to be morally gutwrenching OH MY GOD YOU ARE SUCH A BAD PERSON FOR PLAYING THIS GAME whiteguiltfests. I get enough of that from Salon wallowing in its own impotent upper middle-class white tear juices.

Just Cause 3 requires no reason - it is its own justification!

It plays a lot like Infamous, or actually Saints Row IV (before you can fly), though I'd have to say I like the mechanics better here than Infamous. But Cole was less annoying.

I found the gameplay quite fun for a while, but the whole attitude thing was really eyerolling and I turned off the music for my own - so boring and repetitious.

> Rovio, the company behind Angry Birds, said in a written statement that it does not “collaborate, collude, or share data with spy agencies anywhere in the world”