
Because racecar.

It's a good thing you brought some evidence with that claim, otherwise I'd have to call you a moron for making broad and unsubstantiated accusations. Barney Frank has been one of the few in the higher levels of our government that has attempted to hold businesses accountable for the shit they pull, he just happens to

I, personally, would like to thank this young man for helping rid the world of yet another IROC camaro.

Not Barney Frank or Elizabeth Warren. But the rest of them, yes.

It's not just videos, it's picture galleries as well. The slowdown comes when gawker media wants to serve me an ad or something first, and it's got to come off, or through their server. Again, going right to youtube or vimeo gives me a video that loads quickly and plays perfectly. On certains when Gawker decides to

I was thinking that it might be something on my end, but if that's the case then it's likely Chrome, or chrome plugin, specific. I use Chrome as my primary browser on both my laptop (13" Macbook Air) and my desktop (Homebuilt PC with a q9550, 4 gigs ddr2, 8800GTS 512). The desktop has more than enough power to not

I do have adblockers a plenty...

Dear gawker media,

Since he's on the way out, I sure as hell hope that Elizabeth Warren gets elected. They're two of the heros on my list, and they're damn near the top of the list.

...and like spending time on the side of the road meeting with the tow man...

I believe "gymkhana" is a dumbass word invented because some marketing guy didn't think autocross was good enough.

Whoops. Saw the hood louvers popping more on the white car. And I've never seen an e-type in white...it looks different...

Wow, I'm the first to say E-Type?

Hell, for 15k-20k (that I, regrettably, do not have) you can get an early to mid 2000's M3 with that fucking fantastic inline 6. Also, it makes me sad that the Laguna Seca blue paint color looks like shit on, or was changed for, the new M3. I will have an '02-'05 M3 in Laguna Seca blue, preferably with the cinnamon

Yeah, but is there an option to get the interior in whale penis leather?

As thick as the bars might be, the strength of the steel is what matters. Part of what allows automakers to sell such small, safe, cars is developments in alloys and production techniques that do crazy things to steel strength.

Now playing

It's nowhere near as bad as this truck video, but the Fifth Gear crash test of a Renault Modus micro car vs. the old Volvo wagon is why I haven't yet bit on an older car. I can only afford to have one vehicle, so my daily driver has to be something safer.

Step 1: Buy one now.

Anyone know how far apart they typically set those markers?

Good Urban design is the best way to get people to slow down. See: Ladd's Addition in SE Portland, Or. WHen you drive through, you do so slowly because of the roundabouts and diagonal streets. It's designed to not conform to the grid system the rest of the city is on, so it also reduces traffic through the