All I can say is...
All I can say is...
I like how he was using a super scope to play star fox...
well, it is an old timey video game machine ;)
took the words right out of my mouth
This back an forth...
When I read the responses given by the WBC I feel like this...
I have seen this before, can’t watch it again.
This makes me think that the ability to press Q in competitive should be reduced by 20-50% compared to quickplay.
I was going to be the grammar police, you beat me to it.
I’m curious as to why you think this?
You could wait for someone to put the playthrough of the story mode or even super cut just the cutscenes eventually.
The only way I would get excited is if they made another sonic 3 quality title with comparable music.
Need to kill Bastion? Genjis’ your man!
I like 8-bit and I like the art style shown here.
Sounds like you are comparing it too much to the game. Also, maybe your standards for Video Game movies is too high?
All this does is further the stereotype that gamers are awkward in public...but all stereotypes have some truth.
I want them all!
Please Nintendo...hire this person and put this on Netflix and see the money roll in. Hell I would even be only if I could only watch it on the NX.
Why do you think Nintendo doesn’t want to reveal the NX at e3?