I agree, 90% is unwatchable. The only parts I could stand were the sutble references to things or sayings in the older movies, which were done poorly.
The trailer looks good, but looks can be deceiving. I watched the first micheal bay turtles and I wanted to like it so bad but I just couldn’t. It’s a fucking mess.
Well my first post was simply a reaction to the story title. You are right I should have read the article before speculating on features.
Thank the Lord this has nothing to do with those horrible abominations Micheal Bay created.
Whatever is fun is fun. FGC there is love for MK9/X. SF just dominates the scene. (SF is my fave, but MK is my second fave)
I loved Cyber Sub-Zero in MK9! To bad I can’t get excited about this...because I’m on PC, Thanks Obama! Oh wait, I mean Ed Boon.
I figured there would be at least arcade mode.
it’s a good day in football when Brady loses >:)
I agree. When it comes to fighting games are you really playing the story mode over and over, losing sleep in some cases? I didn’t think so.
I concur kind sir!
I know, Give us HD remake even.
I am honestly okay with this. I would rather get 4 months of Online play in February instead of waiting until June to play story mode once then play online. This is honestly the best way to do this, They focused on the multiplayer and online (crossplay as well) and worried about the story mode until after...and didn’t…
I purposely did not get an xbox one and ps4 this generation because I finally have a pc that can handle powerful games. I bought both Arkham Knight and MKX on day one. Boy was I fucking disappointed.
I consider myself a hardcore gamer because of my investment into all 3 mass effect games as my long devotion to playing SFIV online and soon to be SFV online competitor. It is rare for me to play any mobile game for more than a week. This game has me on it every day for the last 2 months. This is partially due to my…
1. Finish gaming backlog before Nov. 26 2016 (or next steam sale, which might be impossible.)
This entire game has such a great soundtrack! Thank you Dave Wise! Also a shout out to Eveline Fischer who worked on all 3 DKC as well.
This is no surprise