
I believe this is possible if “industry leading chips” actually means what we all think and hope it means. If they match their competitors in hardware capabilities they will get all the third party games an potentially be the king of video games again. Lets hope Nintendo doesn’t over-innovate like they have done in

I have been replaying NV recently and went all Melee but still had guns as a backup. Once you get melee really high it demolishes people. I might try melee in FO 4 as well, it was a lot of fun in the previous games...especially with the shishkabob

I have Arkham Knight on PC and it worked fine after I downloaded a optimized Video card update. Now I can at least play the DLC. Sadly for Arkham Knight I will be killing deathclaws in boston on nov 10th so lets see if I can beat all the batman dlc by then. (probably beat all of it before tomorrow morning)

For me this wins by all accounts

I have the HD 7870 and it works great. I hate having the bare minimum though. The PC master race would be dissatisfied with me. But at least I have a good PC.

this guy looks like both his legs broke and transformed into noodles

Gamers = Gamers with the internet = THE ENTIRE INTERNET

Amen Brother!

I agree, when you get older and have kids or adult responsibilities that result in limited gaming time and with so many great games why play a game that isn’t fun?

I agree. I have FO 1, 2, and tactics on steam when they put it on sale because I havn’t played them since 1999 and wanted to replay all the fallouts in chronological order before 4 came out.

This would only work if the world they are in is equally ridiculous.

Awesome video! My only criticism is that it was not long enough...I WANT MORE!

I actually played 1 vs 100 every chance I got. I was mad when they stopped it because I thought it was going to be a regular thing.

Is that Stan Lee doing the voice for Dr. Light?

How much acid did the writers take before creating this?

“Shkreli said the drug’s original price was “strangely inexpensive” when defending his company’s actions” Translates to “I am a greedy fucking asshole!”

This is very “American” but this was my introduction to DBZ. So loving this intro is more about nostalgia tied to my introduction to the awesome anime and less about it being a good intro.

Here is and HD remaster

I concur