what is then?
what is then?
They are not considered athletic in the normal sense but maybe we should have a new term...”he/she is eSports athletic, he/she can perform 10 moves per second”.
eSports are new and only recently have pro gamers been considered athletes. But they are athletes because they combine mental acuity and physical dexterity for precise muscle moments or sometimes long periods of time.
There is a lot of muscle memory and hand dexterity in pro gaming. This is similar to playing an instrument. You have to use the muscle in your hand to get used to performing the same motion or stretch of that muscle. So eSport gamers are atheletes they just use a smaller more specific set of muscles (including the…
I look at this list and everything is available on PC, except for Destiny and Forza 2. If Destiny was on PC nobody would have bought it on consoles :P
this is what I remember! Thank you!
Princess Mononoke was my first so it will always be my favorite. Caslte in the sky is a close second for me. Besides that I have only seen a small handful of the rest. I think I need to go watch everything on this list.
you gotta admit...this is pretty sexy
The Incredibles is my favorite period! The thing about this list is that it’s subjective to personal tastes. I agree with most of this list besides toy story 3. The Incredibles #1!!!!
Grass physics are harder to render than hair physics ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My whole point of all my comments is that “I think” he stole a good majority of those ideas (based on the information given) and made money instead of just having a passion for the game and it’s lore. Whether or not he actually stole these ideas, it hurts the dark souls community as a whole and deters others from…
But you also cannot prove he didn’t steal these ideas. The difference is that one is trying to make money while the other is simply creating it for the pleasure and to contribute to the community.
this is tedious yes...but this actually gives you a reason to give a shit about doing the riddler challenges besides.......being challenging.
This art is fantastic!
All I have left to say on this is that Vaati has been accused of plagarism at least 3 times by 3 different people and the community in general felt that way as well. If this happened once I could accept this as a coincidence, but if is acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck (especially if it happened 3…
Maybe Bane is part of the future dlc?
There was a lot of love and care put into these games.
I seriously just bought this at barnes and noble yesterday. I have heard many times that this was a must read. I picked it up easier because barnes and noble is having a buy 2 get 1 free on DC graphic novels for a few days.
Here is the link http://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/d-c-comic…
That’s exactly what they said in this article, he good at making it appear that these are not plagiarized. He releases stuff shortly after someone else does with minimal work (because someone already did all the creative work he just has to re-shoot it, and only with slight differences).