
I remember having this before the cartoon even hit the US (2 years later), I actually had a lot of fun even though it was just a Tamagotchi that could battle...but that was awesome. I sadly didn't have any friends or siblings that would buy one and fight me. Now it's basically a pokemon clone...which is not a bad

Please Japan, Localize this...PLEASE!

Would be great to see a big game studio pick this up (maybe Buy the IP) and make this game a reality. The concept art looks great and has a very Mad Max feel...which has potential.

those mother fuckers had to ruin it for all of us! I want my penis stages dammit! Even Better...Vagina stages :0

I believe it can without issues but Nintendo said it was hard to convert to the 3ds os or w/e they claimed which I believe is total bs and just an excuse. Or this could possibly be shady shit that nintendo is doing to ensure they get sales of VC sales for each console. I don't nintendo by nature wouldn't do this

I think if swtor would have stayed at the pay monthly model and stuck to their guns they might have been a contender to WoW, But also having a good post max lvl game that kept you coming back. The fact that its free to play (or free to pay as you stated) makes it feel cheaper and you dont have to worry if you dont

I really hope Nintendo starts to release more SNES VC on the 3ds because they would be perfect in portable form. They also need to have cross platform consistency where you should only have to buy the VC game once and be able to play on Wii U and 3ds. Please Nintendo...Show us you really love your loyal

This is one of the favorite games of all time on any system! I have played it at least 40 times and still continue to play it over and over. This article either reminds you of how awesome it is or exposes those that may never have seen or played it (those crazy people that don't know what they are missing) to a great

I agree with everything you just said. There is a physical and mental sharpness these competitive players need to be the best. There is a push back on this because all these Jocks are mad because Nerds are starting to take over their precious ESPN, haha! MUAHAHAHAH!

I love that you pointed this out. The misconception of sports by the negative tweets astounds me. Sports in my opinion is something that is competitive, where people that have devoted vasts amounts of time to become the best and compete for money or the championship. The more traditional or old view of what sports are

This was ESPN2, not ESPN. Sports fans that watch ESPN want only they sports they watch and shit on everything else. Just because you don't know about it or care about it does not mean a large amount of other people don't care. I would love to see a graph that compares the amount of people that watch sports related

This CBS reporter is just mad because his little sister was better than him at Mario bros.

I agree, some of the amiibos did not stand up to the promotional pictures they released.

Take the hype of skylanders and mutliply it by nintendo characters people have known for 30 years. We are talking 30 years of Nintendo love (There are some chars that aren't 30 years old but Nintendo in general is 30 years old) and you make it collectable!

I wish Capcom would pick these guys up and ask them to make this a game, the work looks great!

If only they weren't jerking us around...it could have been great...it could have been the best!

Once I have Child, I enforce this right of passage as a gamer. Even though my girlfriend doesn't want our child to play games until they are in high school I doubt she will be able to hold out that long.

The game that started it all 〜(^∇^〜)(〜^∇^)〜 PARTY OVER HEEAH!

Final fantasy and halo are new franchises?

Glad to see Nintendo is making some great games and actually got developer of the year. People judge Nintendo too harshly when they don't have these huge AAA titles that are on xbox and playstation but then turn around and praise them when they bring out some of the best, fun, and original games. Who wants madden,