
Trolls never have to admit they are trolls, half the time they do not even know they are being a troll. Once again you are judging me and my 'grammar' from a reference from an internet meme. You obviously never heard of the phrase "You mad bro?" from an internet meme that has nothing to do with my personal use of

I was thinking of characters in a DLC type of addition because there are no hardware limitations, not necessarily in the Wii U version day one. We'll see what Nintendo does.

I remember reading something recently that Sakarai himself said that "there were things they couldn't do on smash 3ds because of hardware limitations." So to me this means there could be characters we didn't see in the 3ds version. Stages, modes, and online play. I hope they make online for smash like the recent call

Your just a troll. Pure and simple. My first statement was from the movie "Tropic Thunder" which you obviously have not seen. I don't know what makes you think I do not have a proper vocabulary. Who the F are you? The Grammar Police? Why don't you just stop trolling on the internet and get a real hobby.

Thats a peginaus.

This is probably you in this picture. No need to get mad, you mad bro?

Think about this...say you have a want to practice with one character while at break at work, a layover at an airport, and any time your not at home. This may not appeal to you simply because of social scrutiny of playing a gaming device in public. I believe there are a large amount of adults that own a 3ds system.

I believe Kaiden was the most boring, forgettable, lame character in the mass effect series and no one shed a tear when he died. I killed him.

That sux, Tali and Legion are my favorite characters too. I made sure to do their personal quests just because I liked them as characters and I felt a moral obligation to help them.

I think the c-stick smash attacks are best used when in you want to do smash attacks in the air or quick flick smashes. There is a quick smash attack and charge smash attack.

Nintendo, Please release this in USA. Limited or reserve only would be fine, I would buy it day one!

They should have released this before either smash bros was released. Putting this smack dab in-between 3ds smash and wii u smash is a bad idea because people are gonna play 3ds smash until wii u smash comes out and are gonna save their money for wii u smash and not bayonetta 2.

I bought Call of Duty:Ghosts on Wii U because it was only $12 on a amazon sale. It has in game chat which is great but sometimes I don't wanna hear 12 year old's say the f' my mom last night.

Never go full retard!

I like how they only cater to people with small hands...Where are my damn face plates for my new 3ds XL? WTH Nintento!

I was about to say this haha

Yeah my hinge was perfect, nice and tight (Giggity) until I overextended it backwards once...its been loose ever since (Giggity)

Looks like Mad Max...I agree. Did you stop to think that there are things in Fallout that were inspired by Mad Max. This is a gaming site, not a movie site. It's all about games so It's from Fallout not Mad Max :P

Your Welcome!

I played the crap out of PSO 2 on GC. This makes me want destiny more...and makes me wanna go play PSO. Damn it lol