
It was a little of both, Sega poor marketing lead to the fall of the dreamcast and then eventually Sega.

"It was a cold day in Japan that day..."

Holy Crap! I totally forgot about the sony wanna-be Dreamcast EMU. Sad thing is that both of them failed miserably.

Duct tape also works when tucking your thing...and when your done tucking you remove the tape and then you have a brazilian

As of now I do not have a next gen system (Wii U barely counts) and I am in a lengthy inner turmoil trying to determine of which next gen system I should buy. I have had xbox since the first halo game and my brother had the ps2 and ps3. I ended up buying a ps2 for KH:II, Devil May Cry, God of War, and a lot more

The best use of explosions in the trailer was the end...dark but funny! Ms Spolosion Man!

Lets hope when he gets his new artists he fixes this...the current facial mocap is not good enough

Blah Blah Blah Blah...Blah Blah = Every Rapper EVER! (Except Tupac)

Or...the convention centers in Europe are smaller so it looks more crowded. Its an optical illusion ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴

I understand and slightly agree with that stereotype that "white people think all asians are the same" because they don't take the time to research a little and understand the differences. I have heard the outside view of America is that we are uneducated, obese, and overpaid. That is true is some respects based on

This is a game that you might get if you are bored with MK8 or the new mario bros games which is highly unlikely with online play...you maybe you just wanna get your rocks off!

Nintendo saved the game franchise by partnering with developers to create it well because...they are horny Japanese businessmen

4 words: Horny Thirteen Year-old Males

Bayonetta 2 would not exist without nintendo partnering with platinum games to create it

its implied to the person that would be interesting in this sort of thing but not written so not illegal

I believe Nintendo is the only one that can make the claim of "exclusive" games...lets hope Nintendo can come back from Wii U dismal sales and Smash and the new Zelda can help boost sales. I honestly would hate to see Mario Kart on Xbox One and PS4 and see them fighting over who gets the "Exclusive" label on it first

They need stop using the selectively exclusive label on games...it's getting old

Sony and Microsoft need to google the definition of "exclusive" and stop fucking using it! wait...here you go Sony and Microsoft http://lmgtfy.com/?q=exclusive

Sony and Microsoft want the masses to think things are only exclusive to their system so they knowingly omit the fact that you can get it on another system but you have to wait. They say "This is exclusive to XBOX" or "This is exlcusive to Playstation" but go out of their way to not mention its only a limited time

So If I wore an "AMERICA FUCK YEAH" shirt outside of american I'm an asshole and stupid?