
Oh yeah, can see why you saw some parallels with that close of an exposure. Ultimately they’re both works within a highly retreaded sub-genre and share a significant amount of tropes and influences. Like I can think of a lot of things that start with a superweapon girl in a box, like Fifth Element which came out what,

Firefly wasn’t one guy falling into a super cool ship and then acquiring three hot chicks to fly around the galaxy with him... Honestly, Outlaw Star is probably the kind of thing Whedon thought taking a big progressive step away from made him a super-feminist. I’m not engaging in the most overdone sexist tropes

Yeah, why would patriarchy a system that exists solely to divide people along gender class lines so one group can seize control over the others sexual labor, have a bigger impact on heterosexual relationships than non-heterosexual ones?

Companies have gotten a lot more easy-going about satirical uses of their products over the last few presidents. Its possible Best Buy approached them for placement, since that kind of story emeshment is becoming more common these days.

I think it was actually a really good story of something that was kind of destined to end in heartbreak. Ruby caught feelings hard becasue she opened up emotionally in a way she hadn’t before, but that inexperience also meant that she didn’t know how to handle a partner being in a different place. He either loved her

I think the uniform conflict was the big flaw there. They obviously wanted it to setup the conflict for Cal, but it was such a driving point of the totalitarian conformist shift that it forces Hope to get nastier faster than really worked for how her character was presented. They either needed to give more time to the

As a character created by the writers, yeah, he was unfairly reduce to just a temporary roadblock for Otis/Maeve.

But in the world of the show, fuck Isaac. Yeah, he understood her life on the fringes more than any of her friends, but that wasn’t all there was to Maeve. He didnt know shit about her relationship with

But they do all that stuff because they profit off it. You’re divorcing the cause from the effect to separate the two. And the profit part is important, not only because it’s why extreme content gets mainstreamed so hard and fast via these sites, but because it’s the biggest argument for regulation of social media

While not defined by it, I think it’s fair to say that soullessness is something Chinese properties struggle with. Getting an audience to emotionally connect with the work can be hard, but Hollywood has a lot of experience with that and a lot of creatives who push for it. That’s not to say that every Hollywood film is

It’s really the inevitable creep of outright scamming into what were more stable business sectors enabled by decades of unregulated capitalism. Hulu’s got a documentary on Wework that’s a good illustration of it. There was a good idea at the heart of it that might have been a successful business, but the entire

Just did a rewatch of the whole series and thought a lot about the queer representation in it. It’s pretty bad especially the transphobia and just general mockery around the idea of men becoming woman-like. There’s a lot to cringe at.

What are you talking about? The times you can hear an effect and think it sounds bad? Because I don’t have a way to tell if that’s deliberate or not, and whether I think it sounds good isn’t a determinant. I think Imagine Dragons sounds terrible, but they’ve got every possible tool to change so that sound has got to

It’s also not really about coconuts ಠ‿↼

Now playing

No, because that kind of effect is done intentionally. You can think it sounds bad, but it’s no more indication of a persons actual singing skills than a distortion effect on a guitar track. Seriously, look up T-Pain singing acapella on Youtube. Dude has a lovely voice. Better yet, watch this guy’s video on the subject

Hollywood knows Queens are popular, but they don’t know how to use them. My guess is in an effort to be wholly embracing of a queer Fairy Godmother, they lost the part where she’s an opening into the extrodiary world and therefore should be a little strange or even hostile. If you just want her to be nice and loving,

How many kind in 2009 had ever heard of Journey? But that cover was still massive hit that launch Glee into popularity with tween and teens. For comparison, I was under 10 when the Lion King came out, and had never heard Lovely Bunch of Coconuts before, but knew it was an old song and still thought it was hilarious

Every person that sings uses pitch correction. You just don’t notice it because that’s the entire point of pitch correction. Hell, they even do it for live performances with special mikes that will correct notes as you sing. Complaining about autotune is the equivalent of those dudes who whine about makeup being a lie

So the thing is, while not a diehard fan, I do like Cats and thus have way too many opinions about what is specifically bad about the shitty film adaptation.

Yeah, that’s my take. The fucking bizarre turn to surrealist horror with the skin-suit an the dancing vermin children in Wilson’s bit is at least memorable. Cordens bit was excessively gross in a lazy, predictable way that I don’t think I remember except I like the Bustopher Jones number enough to be genuinely pissed

True, and it cemented my opinion that Tom Hooper does not understand musicals as a genre. He was shaky enough on the relatively grounded Les Mis. Cats is entirely dependent on the metaphorical/symbolic nature of theatrical storytelling. To make a realistic Cats is to totally miss the point of the whole fucking show.