
“should the US allow the unstable dictatorship to gain the ability to launch a nuclear ballistic missile?”

I, like most sensible Alabamians, am fully aware that this is a garbage state represented by garbage politicians.

I expected this sooner, actually. *sips tea* The man in the Office of the President of the United States is not one known to be transparent when people ask him for something that will not lead to his aggrandizement. As sad as it is to say, his is precisely what he called himself in season 2 of the Apprentice: a

If you come out un-maimed, it may be ok.

Great write-up. My takeaways:

The paying customers, not his employees. They had alternative options, rent a car, jump on another airline...

Jesus. I thought this was a scene from a movie. This is Spider Jerusalem comic book shit. This is taking things waaaaaayy too far.

Yeah, sure, but email, tho.

I would have voted Mccain in 08 but his choice as running mate was a disaster, I had to question his judgement on that pick.

It is one of my persistent regrets that I did not go to the University of Chicago for their Rhetoric program when I was applying to college. You seem like you might have!

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Not just the Dodgers logo . . .