
I don't understand your comment. Isn't this the liquid cooled fuel inject modern HD 750 engine?

Yeah, makes less sense now with gas well under $3. We bought ours in ‘07 and its returned a solid average of 36mpg for the last 120K miles. The fuel cost payoff really happens around 100K, after that you’re ahead of the game. Most people don’t realize the electric motor gives you the power of a V6 when you need it at

Give me the cash, if you drop it you own it. That's a test ride deal.

Pyr mix, the hind dew claws tell the tale.

My hybrid doesn’t have lithium. Nickel, yes; lithium, no. And less nickel than your stainless steel kitchen. That not withstanding I bought it for the high mileage average, less gas to buy...more money for me.

On the other hand believing an extra terrestrial directs your every move is logical?

Yet that war established the US as a major world power. So there's that.

He isn't close. He got brake checked and still didn't hit the cop; bonus round: you can still read the cops tag. That's reasonable distance after stopping.

This is the second video I've seen this week with a cop making a tackle in a crowd with no backup. These riders are asshats but what was he going to accomplish?

Everything is so clean and the engine box looks great. You probably couldn't restore an 86 for less and get it this nice. With that in mind I voted NP.

So, Carmax for new cars. Okay!

This. About equal torque across the board and close enough HP to make them all similar. So do you want looks? Rider ergos? Valves every 6k miles? Belt drive cams? Recalls? Every maker has its own peccadillos. It’s so close money wise you just have to choose your poison.

It is the tribal nature of humanity. It's the denial trigger response that arouses suspicion.

It’s been a long time since WWII and we are still fighting “brush fire wars” with no realistic WWIII on the horizon. What then is your solution for CAS considering the F-35 presumably won't be combat ready until 2021?

It looks to me like it’s an urban area. In that case how is the left lane not the through lane?

My 1961 E-100 was simple to drive and maintain and the bed was freaking huge. A modern version would be very welcome.

Looks like a cool but basic leading link with automotive style A arms for steering and a stiffener hoop over the top. Very neat machining, that had to be hours at the CNC machine.

Except we are well into a half century of the “formidable foe” never materializing. Not once. Who is it?

How many rounds of ammo does the F-35 carry for CAS? Aren't they currently limited to four rockets?