
So $12K less than a F-22 per hour? That’s not so bad if they can ever get it into the air in real numbers. But that won’t happen till 2021 will it? It’s almost like the whole project will fall victim to Moore’s law before it can become a real bird of prey.

Let's just stipulate that the project purchase of the 2400 units will be $400 billion. Now, how much will it cost to actually fly them?

My 1961 E-100 was simple to drive and maintain and the bed was freaking huge. A modern version would be very welcome.

Looks like a cool but basic leading link with automotive style A arms for steering and a stiffener hoop over the top. Very neat machining, that had to be hours at the CNC machine.

Except we are well into a half century of the “formidable foe” never materializing. Not once. Who is it?

How many rounds of ammo does the F-35 carry for CAS? Aren't they currently limited to four rockets?

It just looks like so much fun. Poorly equipped little bikes being thrashed to the limit at survivable speeds. What's not to like?

This! I’m switching to SAP next race.

Agreed. These guys are a special breed of asshat.

How is the tax cut bunch going to pay for this stuff? They came up with the sequester idea and now they’re promoting a shooting war and more tax cuts.

If you can’t acknowledge the fight was for the states right to white supremacy you have a problem. Go read the Cornerstone speech and the Articles of Secession and repost. Those soldiers could read, they weren't stupid, just wrong.

Are all of those roar warrior assault rigs mechanical fuel injection diesels? Because I’m thinking you actually need the kinds of unshielded electronics to run most vehicles this century.

You should drive thru the rural west and see how the fuel stations align with where you want to stop.

It’s 450 to my parents house and my cars range is 550, so yes, I drive 450 miles without stopping. Not counting the travesty that is Atlanta’s interstate system which can come to a dead stop at any moment.

The leading link front end gives much more stability turning and driving the rig. Nothing about a sidecar rig is car like as turning produces very different results depending upon the direction. Left and car wants to dive nose forward into the road, right it wants to lift and dramatically shift the center of gravity.

I’m 5’9” and I struggle everyday to enter my Camry.

We are on our third generation of a pair, one Newfoundland and one Great Pyrenees. We also have a suitable home with three acres of fenced in yard. A gated fence might be the second best deterrent ever as it only offers one path of escape.

It's always much more thrilling to ride a slow bike fast.

You know Yamaha introduced water cooled dirt bikes in 1981, I had my first water cooled street bike in 1982. Three decades ago seems like it might qualify for “retro” in the 21st century. Besides, that black shroud will make a fine aftermarket accessory.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and kids lead that with their names. Just sayin’